A representative of the university held a meeting with high school students of Vysochanska village council
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Associate professor of Administrative Law and Process of the Faculty №1, Candidate of Juridical Sciences Oleksandr Pabat held a career guidance event at the Department of Education of Vysochanska village council and in municipal institution “Zelenohaiskyi lyceum of Vysochanska village council of Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region”, where he met with the management department and students of 10-11 grades. 

Cooperation with Bezliudivska community
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Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty №1 Viktor Lazarev within the framework of career guidance work met with the head of Bezliudivska community Mykola Kuzminov and Olena Moroz, the Head of the Education Department of Bezliudivska Village Council.

Binary lesson with the participation of a cyber-police officer
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Oleksandr Manzhai, the Head of the Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Faculty №4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and Vitalii Svitlychnyi, Associate Professor of the same department, conducted a binary lesson on Digital Forensics with the participation of the inspector of the department of counteraction to cybercrimes in Poltava region of the Department of cyberpolice of the National police of Ukraine. 

Career guidance work with high school students
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Oksana Maliutina, the head of the preparatory department of the Faculty №6, held a meeting with the students of the EC №106, secondary school №129 and school №132 of Kharkiv. During the meeting, she gave a lecture on the basics of legal knowledge, acquainted students with the conditions of admission and study at KhNUIA and answered numerous questions.

The collection of scientific works “Bulletin of the Criminological Association of Ukraine” was published
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Another 25th addition of scientific works “Bulletin of the Criminological Association of Ukraine” has been published. The articles of the collection cover a wide range of scientific criminological and criminal law issues, topical issues of crime control, improvement of national criminal legislation, legal regulation, information-analytical and organizational-administrative support of crime prevention in Ukraine, etc.

High school students of Kharkiv school №36 were invited to study at KhNUIA
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Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of the Faculty №6 Olena Soloviova conducted career guidance work with the students of the graduating classes of Kharkiv secondary school I-III degrees №36 Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv region.


Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the University of Bielsko-Biała (Republic of Poland) signed a Declaration on Cooperation
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and University of Bielsko-Biała (Republic of Poland) signed a Declaration on Cooperation in Educational and Scientific areas. The document provides for study visits to exchange experience in the fields of education and research, participation in exchange programs for higher education, as well as pedagogical, scientific and academic staff etc.

Excursion to the picturesque Kharkiv region
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The trade union of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, headed by the Chairman of the Committee Valerii Moskovets, organized a tour "Dvorychanskyi Natural Park + Kytsivska Desert" for the university staff – members of the trade union.

Career guidance meeting with the students of Pivdennyi Lyceum
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Kateryna Horbunova, a lecturer of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-Trial Investigation of Faculty No. 1 of KhNUIA, met with the students of Pivdennyi Lyceum of Pivdenna City Council of Kharkiv district of Kharkiv region and held a conversation with them on the topic "Admission to study at KhNUIA". During the meeting, students were familiarized with the rules of admission, conditions of study, material and technical base, scientific and pedagogical staff of the university and a list of specialties that can be obtained studying at KhNUIA.

Cadets of the University - participants of archaeological excavations
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Cadets of the 1st and 2nd courses of Faculty No. 1 Oleksandr Katrenko, Kirill Tyshchenko and Yuliia Shelest, who are participants of the School of Scientific Leadership, together with the NGO "Union of Search Units of Ukraine" took part in archaeological excavations on the territory of Balakliiskyi district of Kharkiv region.