An online conference "Relevant issues of criminal process and criminalistics" took place in KhNUIA
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with Tashkent State University of Law held an International scientific and practical conference on the topic "Relevant issues of criminal process and criminalistics".

Open lectures of foreign teachers of the CEPOL Exchange Program for students of higher education of KhNUIA
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Applicants for higher education of KhNUIA, studying in the specialties "Law", "Law Enforcement", "Psychology" and "Cybersecurity", attended open lectures by foreign teachers participating in the bilateral exchange program CEPOL 2021 TOPCOP.

Online participation in a meeting of the professional higher education sector
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Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA took part in an online meeting of the sector of professional higher education and scientific-methodical commissions of the sector of professional higher education of the Scientific-Methodical Council of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Scientific achievements of KhNUIA and Science Park are presented within the international round table "New strategies for sustainable digital development of enterprises in the EU Single Market" NUMECO project of the University Francophonie Agency
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Oksana Tsukan, Advisor to the Rector on Gender Isssues of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, announced the first results of the Horizon 2020 project European Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the EQUALS-EU Digital Age. The project includes many studies and several activities. One of them is the world colloquium "Perception of Power: Upholding Women's Leadership in the Digital Age".

Round table in KhNUIA on the identification of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs  
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a round table "Identification of the corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ways to prevent and combat corruption in the Ministry of Internal Affairs", organized jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Social media as an effective tool for education and e-learning
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Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of  Faculty No.4 took part in the scientific and methodical seminar "The impact of social media on education or e-learning" prepared and conducted by the Head of the Cross-cultural Communication and Foreign Languages Department of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Olena Horoshko.


All-Ukrainian round table "Problems of labor support of international companies in the conditions of globalization"
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The All-Ukrainian round table "Problems of labor support of international companies in the conditions of globalization" with leading scientists of Ukraine took place in Kremenchuk Flight College. The speaker of the event was Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine Svitlana Kalinina.

Academic integrity is the key to education quality
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Vita Filipska, a senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty No.4 held a meeting of the student scientific circle on the topic "Academic Integrity". The cadets got acquainted with the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (Article 42) which defines the concept of academic integrity, the main types of violations of academic integrity and academic liability.

Group psycho prophylactic classes were held
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Oksana Trisko, a specialist in the psychological support department of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, conducted group psycho prophylactic classes with heads and class teachers of the college study groups to acquaint them with the behavior of people seeking to commit suicide or self-harm.

Statement of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine D. Monastyrskyi on the "Safe Community" Forum
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Denys Monastyrskyi: Every citizen of Ukraine, regardless of where he lives, should feel safe and gain quality access to government services. We can achieve this only in the interaction of state authorities with local communities. Therefore, a large-scale Safe Community Forum will be held on November 4 with the representatives of local communities from all over Ukraine.