Representatives of Sumy branch increase the level of media literacy
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Applicants of higher education in the specialty 081 "Law": Yevheniia Kovalenko and Anna Martynenko as well as Leading Specialist of Sumy branch of KhNUIA Tsvitana Baranova, participated in a course of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine created jointly with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine with USAID support.

The newest textbook is Given to the University Library
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The library of the University received in a gift from the author's collective of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty No. 6, a new training manual "Gender Psychology" for the general edition of the head of the department Olena Yevdokimova.

Binary classes of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings
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Binary lesson for 2nd-year part-time students of the faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the subject "Drawing up procedural documents on civil cases" was devoted to the topic "Statements of persons involved in the case."

Instruction for cadets before passing the internship
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Before the internship at the bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine, an instruction was conducted for 4-year cadets of Faculty No. 4 (Cyberpolice) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, studying at specialty 125 "Cybersecurity".

Open Door Day Online
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At Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, with the help of the ZOOM platform, there was a day of open doors for future entrants on the peculiarities of studying at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in 2021.

Faculty No. 6 develops cooperation with ELSA UKRAINE
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Faculty No. 6 develops cooperation with the international organization ELSA Ukraine, which unites students-lawyers and young lawyers interested in scientific and personal improvement.

Binary lesson for cadets with police officers
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Associate Professor of the Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Faculty No. 1 Kseniia Yurtaieva conducted a binary lesson for second-year cadets of the Faculty № 4 on "Criminal Offenses against Public Safety" with the participation of the Deputy Chief of the Monitoring Sector of Shostka District Police Department of MDNP in Sumy Region Yuliia Khodkova.

A working meeting on career guidance was held
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The Department of Recruitment and Organization of Career Guidance of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, headed by the Rector Assistant Viktor Slysh, held a working meeting with representatives of the faculties of the university responsible for career guidance work.

Non-discriminatory approach to education
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Nataliia Vodolazska, a lecturer of the Subdivision of Economics and Management of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the online course “Non-discriminatory approach to learning” developed by the non-governmental organization “Studena” and EdEra online education studio. The online course introduces non-discriminatory and tolerant teaching.

Cadets introduce the University to pupils
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The first-year cadet of Faculty No.1 KhNUIA Anastasiia Maslii, with the assistance of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-Trial Investigation, conducted a vocational guidance meeting in the municipal institution "Samiilivka Lyceum of Blyzniuky Village Council of Lozova district of Kharkiv region." She spoke with senior pupils and Halyna Klymets, a director of the Lyceum.