University cadets became participants of the “Sohodni.Holovne” program
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Cadets of the faculty № 4 (cyberpolice) Roman Orlov and Tetyana Horban took part in the program «Sohodni.Holovne», which is broadcast on the TV channel "Social/ Kharkiv". The topic of discussion was issues related to combating cybercrime committed with the use of information technology.

To the attention of the applicants for higher education!
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On April 10, 2021, at 08:00, the Debate Club of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is organizing a debate tournament "Rector's Cup of KhNUIA - 2021". The tournament will be held in the format of a parliamentary debate. Cadet and student youth of the university are invited to participate.

Сadet of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA won the powerlifting championship of Sumy region
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Kateryna Krapyvna, the second-year cadet of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, won the powerlifting championship of Sumy region in the 72 kg weight category among juniors with a result of 187.5 kg. Kateryna was awarded a diploma from the Department of Youth and Sports of the Sumy Regional State Administration for the first place.

The program "Secret Materials" on TV channel 2+2 aired a story about the work of the cybercenter of KhNUIA
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The program "Secret Materials" on TV channel 2+2 aired a story about the work of the cybercenter of the faculty №4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs to identify and block the so-called "death groups" in which children and adolescents are incited to commit suicide.

Webinar on the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms
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2nd-year students of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Yevheniia Budiukova, Oleksandra Bila, and Yevheniia Kovalenko attended a three-day webinar on the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms. It was organized by the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine.

A patrol police officer shared practical experience with the cadets
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Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 1 of KhNUIA Maryna Dzhafarova conducted for cadets binary classes on "Peculiarities of drafting administrative procedural documents in cases of administrative offenses" with the participation of a patrol police officer.

Interuniversity online meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Constitutional and International Law
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An interuniversity online meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA, supervisor - Associate Professor Oleksandr Radchenko, and the scientific circle of international law of the Department of International and European Law of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Graduates of Secondary School № 102 were invited to study at the university
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Associate Professor of Labor and Economic Law of the Faculty № 2 of KhNUIA Olena Chornous together with colleagues from Faculty № 6 Associate Professors of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Yevheniia Ananieva and Artem Podorozhnii conducted career guidance activities in Secondary School № 102 of Kharkiv City.

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The public organization "Ukrainian Association "Chornobyl" of the bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” is holding an action in honor of the Chernobyl liquidators.

Current trends in the modernization of avionics systems
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Yurii Stushchanskyi, a lecturer of the Avionics Subdivision, held a scientific seminar on “Current trends in the modernization of avionics systems” with members of the scientific group “Radio navigation and
telecommunications of aircraft.”