The exhibition "For the sake of a peaceful life" is opened in the museum of KhNUIA
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The University Museum has opened a new thematic exhibition "For the sake of a peaceful life", dedicated to the employees of KhNUIA, who served in many hot spots around the world, starting with service in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan to police missions under the auspices of the UN.

Issues of creation and prospects of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine - in an online seminar
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The Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law of Ukraine «On the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine», which provides for the liquidation of the tax police and the creation of a single state body, responsible for combating economic crimes, - Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine. Liudmyla Parfentii, Associate Professor of Social and Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Lecturer of the Discipline «Fundamentals of Economic Security», took part in the online seminar «Bureau of Economic Security: what to expect business».

Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College honored the memory of participants in hostilities on the territory of other states
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A memorial event on the occasion of the Day of Honoring the Combatants on the Territory of Other States was held in the Park of Warriors-Internationalists in Kremenchuk. Together with the city administration and the city community, representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College, the Deputy Directors Vadym Pieshkov, Valerii Huro, Yurii Shmelov, employees-participants of the fighting in Afghanistan, cadets of the educational institution, laid flowers at the foot of the memorial complex “On Afghan Path” and personal steles, established in honor of 20 Kremenchuk Afghan soldiers.

Valerii Sokurenko: "Love your Motherland, protect your people, your native land!"
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted ceremonial events on the occasion of the Day of honoring the participants of hostilities on the territory of other states. The event was attended by the Rector of the University, General of Police of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko, Vice-Rectors Serhii Bortnyk, Mykhailo Burdin, Leonid Mohilevskyi, Anatolii Klochko, deans of faculties, heads of departments, cadets, university students.

“Police Wave”
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The weekly program “Police Wave” published an episode about a meeting of the Final Panel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which took place on February 11 this year. The program covers the
following topics: “What have we achieved in 2020? What are the new projects in 2021?”, “To whom and for what were the orders awarded?”.

Congratulations of the People's Deputy of Ukraine Oleksandr Bakumov on the Day of honoring the participants of hostilities on the territory of other states
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Dear participants of hostilities on the territory of other states! Dear veterans of the war in Afghanistan, members of the families of Afghan soldiers!

The Day of Remembrance for the participants of hostilities on the territory of other states is a memorable date for all of us. The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was completed 32 years ago.

Pedagogical skills improvement
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Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty No1 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Olena Stativka took part in an online webinar from Oxford University Press and an online seminar "The power of the Montessori method in teaching English."

Burning wounds of Afghanistan
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On the occasion of the memorable date - the Day of Honoring the Participants of Hostilities on the Territory of Other States, which is celebrated on 15 February, the University library presents a book-illustrative exposition «Afghanistan - a life scorched by war», which highlights the heroic deeds of soldiers, who bravely defended the borders of the state and the peace of Afghanistan, honorably performing an international duty.

Attention high school students! KhNUIA will host the Open Internet Olympiad on Information Security "Young Cyber Erudite"
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with the Global Center for Interaction in Virtual Space announces the start of accepting electronic application forms from this year's high school graduates to participate in the second Open Internet Olympiad on Information Security "Young Cyber ​​Erudite".

Binary lesson for cadets with the participation of the police platoon of the tactical and operational response company
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Interdisciplinary links of training is carried out by involving practitioners in the educational process. As part of the study of a foreign language of professional direction, lecturers of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines Yuliia Samoilova and Zoriana Mokhonok conducted a binary lesson for the 2nd year cadets of the Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the participation of the police platoon of the tactical and operational response company, Senior Sergeant of Police, Ihor Iliashenko.