University cadets took part in the prevent drug crime action
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Cadets of KhNUIA headed by the Dean of the Faculty No. 4 (cyberpolice) Viacheslav Markov, juvenile prevention officers of the Department on Combating Drug-Related Crimes of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv region and activists of the public formation "Social Security of the District Safety " held an action and painted over the email addresses of the drug stores in Liubotyn.

The victories of the University athletes in the Ukrainian Sambo Championship were marked
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An awards ceremony for participants of the Ukrainian Sambo Championship among juniors and seniors took place during the morning line-up of the personnel of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Attention high school students! KhNUIA will host the Open Internet Olympiad on Information Security "Young Cyber Erudite"
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On the Safe Internet Day, which is celebrated on February 9 this year, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with the Global Center for Interaction in Virtual Space announces the start of accepting electronic application forms from this year's high school graduates to participate in the second Open Internet Olympiad on Information Security "Young Cyber Erudite ".

Nataliia Rastorhuieva, a cadet of the Faculty No. 1, was awarded the Kharkiv Mayor Scholarship “Obdarovanist” (“Giftedness”)
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Nataliia Rastorhuieva, a 4th year cadet of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, was awarded the Kharkiv Mayor Scholarship “Obdarovanist” (“Giftedness”) for children and youth in the 2020/2021 academic year for high achievements in science, art, sports and public life.

Creative methods of preparing students to write their own statements in the format of external evaluation
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Nataliia Koversun, a lecturer of the cycle commission of philological disciplines, took part in the webinar "Creative methods of preparing students to write their own statements in the format of external evaluation" of the project "Vseosvita". The speaker of the webinar was Tetiana Sahaidak, a lecturer of the Ukrainian language and the integrated course "Literature".

Acquaintance of cadets with the history of Kharkiv region
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The cadets of the study group 409 of the faculty № 3 together with the curator, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Viktoriia Dotsenko, visited the Historical Museum of Kharkiv, where they got acquainted with the exhibition "At the Crossroads of Centuries. Archeology of the region".

University cadets visited Kharkiv Art Museum
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Cadets of study group 401 of the faculty № 4 together with the curator, associate professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Oleksandr Radchenko, visited the exhibition "Western European Art of XV-XIX centuries", which is exhibited in the Kharkiv Art Museum.

Video classes on self-defense. Lesson № 10
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We continue to master the techniques of self-defense on the topic "Combinations of elbows and knees blows and protection against them." The lesson is conducted by Ruslan Kushnirenko, a teacher at the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training, Honored Master of Sports in Kickboxing, and Police Captain.

Career guidance meeting with students of the "Cadet Corps"
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Associate Professor of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration Vadym Seliukov held career guidance meetings with cadets of the State Boarding School with enhanced military and physical training "Cadet Corps". During the conversation, the conditions of admission and study at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs were explained.

We continue a series of video classes on game sports. Futsal
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Under the guidance of experienced specialists of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, video lessons on futsal were developed.