The cadet of faculty № 2 Anastasiia Pustovit became a prize-winner of the International Online Karate Championship

The international online championship "Prague Open Cup-2020" in karate took place. Among the participants of the championship were the representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. A third-year cadet Anastasiia Pustovit won the third place.

Competition of Ukrainian language experts

The first stage of the 21-th Petro Yatsyk International Ukrainian Language Competition took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language.

The representatives of the University took part in All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of the National Unity

The cadets of 101 group of the Faculty No. 2 together with Nataliia Yelnikova, curator, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, joined in writing All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of the National Unity, which is traditionally held on the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, celebrated on 9 November.


Meeting of the Scientific Circle of the Department of Ukrainian Studies

On the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, which is traditionally celebrated on November 9, a round table meeting of the Scientific Circle of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty No. 2 of KhNUIA took place in the format of Zoom-conference.

University sportsmen’s achievements in the Thai Boxing Championship of Kharkiv Region

Muay Thai Boxing Championship took place in Kharkiv Region. Sportsmen from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the event. According to the results of the competition, they won the following places.

Online visiting Maria Zankovetska National Theater

The cadets of group 101 of the Faculty No. 2, together with Nataliia Yelnikova, the curator, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty No. 2 visited the online play “Kaidasheva family” from Maria Zankovetska National Theater.

Participation in the series of webinars “The main metrics of modern science. Scopus and Web of Science”

Nataliia Yelnikova, a senior lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty 2, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in a series of webinars entitled “The main metrics of modern science. Scopus and Web of Science” the research and training center of the company “Scientific publications - Publ. Science”.

Serhii Bortnyk, the first vice-rector of the university conducted instruction for the staff on the eve of elections

Serhii Bortnyk, the first vice-rector of the university, police lieutenant colonel, conducted instruction on the readiness of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs to participate in measures to ensure public safety and legal order during the October 25, 2020 elections.

University cadets are among the scholarship holders of the Kharkiv City Mayor’s Scholarship “Giftedness”

The list of scholarship holders for Kharkiv City Mayor’s Scholarship “Giftedness” for children and the youth for the 2020/2021 academic year has been approved. Among the scholars are cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, namely Nataliia Rastorhuieva, 4th year cadet of the Faculty No. 1, Vladyslav Stepanenko, 4th year cadet of the Faculty No. 2 and Denys Katiukha, 3rd year cadet of the Faculty No. 2.

Media literacy for educators

Nataliia Yelnikova, a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, successfully completed the course “Media literacy for educators”, which was conducted on the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus.