University cadets are among the winners of the XIV Kharkiv regional competition of student’s research papers

University cadets are among the winners of the XIV Kharkiv regional competition of student’s research papers in natural, technical and human sciences, which is held by the Board of Rectors Higher Educational Institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation in Kharkiv region.

Studying the European experience of crime investigation

Cadets of Faculty № 2 and teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the online webinar "Investigation of crimes related to human trafficking". The event was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of the University with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission.

First-year students have got acquainted with Kharkiv

Guided tours “Kharkiv is a city, where I study”, started for first-year students, these tours were organized with the support of the trade union organization of the university. Tours were supplied by comfortable buses and they were conducted while meeting quarantine requirements. The previously-developed route included the main historical-cultural and architectural monuments and recognized symbols of Kharkiv.

The briefing on Enforcement of Road Traffic Rules was held

Employees of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs organized briefing on compliance with the Road Traffic Regulations of Ukraine and road safety with the drivers of University garage.

The Celebration of Graduating Cadets 2020

The celebration of graduating cadets took place at the University. 453 cadets graduated on generally accepted European standard.

A three-day workshop on “Human Rights” was held for applicants of higher education of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Cadets and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, including Sumy Branch and Kremenchuk Flight College took part in a three-day workshop on “Human Rights”.

Personnel and cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs provide public security and order, directed at the prevention of the spread of СOVID-19

From March 30 to April 24, 2020, non-permanent and permanent staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is sent to the local agencies of the National Police to ensure public security and order, directed at prevention of the spread of acute respiratory disease SOVID-19, caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV- 2 in Ukraine.


Cadets, students, adjuncts, graduate students, doctoral students and learners of
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs were transferred to a remote form
of education for the period from March 12, 2020 to April 3, 2020. A server of the
remote learning is Moodle

The first mentoring meeting of the project “A woman has a power” was held in KhNUIA

Within the framework of the Women's Solidarity Week, the head of the Patrol
Police Department in Kharkiv Region, Aliona Stryzhak held a meeting with cadets
and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The issue of the Amnesty Institute was considered at a session of the scientific team

An extended session of the scientific team of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law of the Faculty No. 1 was held within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Law Week. The session was attended by the Head of the Department Ihor Logvynenko, Acting Head of the Department of Scientific Work Organization Volodymyr Chumak, Vice-Dean for teaching and methodological work of the Faculty № 2 Serhii Hirenko, teachers of the Department and cadets - members of the scientific team.