Internship defense presentation

Students majoring in "Law" (group PZdms 19-1) of faculty No.6 of KhNUIA defended knowledge and skills acquired during their internship. Members of the commission had the opportunity to estimate students’ theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills.

University athletes became prize winners of the Cossack Dvobii World Cup

The Cossack Dvobii World Cup took place in Odesa, in which the university athletes took part. The 2nd-year cadet of Faculty № 3 Vladyslav Nikishchenko took third place according to the results of the competition, the 3rd-year student of Faculty № 6 Sabukhi Nuruiev took second place.

University students attended an opera concert

Study groups curators Kseniia Hurtova and Nataliia Pistrenko together with students visited Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after M.V. Lysenko. They attended a concert on the chamber stage "Favorite Arias and Romances". Excerpts from the compositions of P. I. Chaikovskyi "The Queen of Spades", M.V. Lysenko “Natalka-Poltavka”, V.A. Mozart "The Wedding of Figaro" were performed by People's Artists of Ukraine.

University students are awarded for educational and scientific activities

Deputy Dean of the Faculty No. 6 Serhii Zahorodnii presented students of the faculty certificates for achievements in educational and scientific activities.

Graduates of Kharkiv Secondary School №26 got acquainted with the university

At the initiative of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, an excursion was organized for future entrants within the framework of career guidance activities. At the invitation of Associate Professor of the Department Valeriia Samotiievych, the university was visited by representatives of Kharkiv Secondary School №26 - representatives of the administration and students of 9-11 grades.

The university hosted a country quiz in English

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 1 Nataliia Krasnova and Lecturer of the same Department Hanna Babak prepared and conducted a country quiz "Do you know the countries which languages you study?". The event was attended by cadets and first-year students, faculties №№1-4 and № 6.

Seminar on "Academic Integrity"

Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, Faculty № 6, KhNUIA, Doctor of Law, Professor Olha Hetmanets held a seminar "Academic Integrity" for lecturers of the same department and third-year students majoring in "Finance, Banking, and Insurance".

Faculty No. 6 student Oleksandr Balabin won a gold medal at the "Montenegro Cup"

The Youth International Boxing Tournament "Montenegro Cup" took place in Budva City (Montenegro) from the 17th to the 24th of May. Oleksandr Balabin, the student of the Faculty No.6, took part in the event as a member of the Ukraine national team. According to the results of competitions, he became the strongest and took first place in the 75 kg weight category.

A binary class was held for students on the territory of Kachanivska Correctional Colony № 54

Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Yuliia Tatarkina organized a binary class for students of Faculty № 6 to Kachanivska Correctional Colony № 54, which is currently a penitentiary institution of minimum security with general conditions for keeping women sentenced to imprisonment for the first time.

University student became a prizewinner of the Legal Tournament in Criminal Law

A local group of the international independent organization ELSA Kharkiv conducted the Legal Tournament in Criminal Law remotely. It was attended by third-year to fifth-year students of higher educational institutions, majoring in "Law", "International Law" and "Law Enforcement".