Vice-rector of the University Serhii Bortnyk met with students

Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Serhii Bortnyk met with students of the faculty № 6. He talked about relevant issues of life organization, and stressed on the need for anti-epidemic measures related to the spread of coronavirus COVID-19.

Binary lesson for students-psychologists

 A psychologist of the special unit, Police Lieutenant Yurii Tkachenko conducted a binary lesson on "Specifics of work of a practical psychologist in law enforcement" for the first-year students of faculty № 6 KhNUIA, studying in specialty "Psychology".

Employees of the Department of Sociology and Psychology conduct career guidance work

Employees of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 of KhNUIA conduct career guidance activities in secondary schools of Kharkiv.

University staff improve their skills

Olha Hetmanets, the Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of Faculty No. 6, and Associate Professors of the Department Iryna Vasylko, Daria Korobtsova and Artem Podorozhnii successfully completed the online courses "I know gender" and "Culture of tolerance: how to build society comfortable for everyone".

The new academic year has begun

The new academic year began with a lecture on the topic "Ukraine is a unified country" for cadets and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
The purpose of the lecture is to form civic qualities, a sense of pride, patriotism, national dignity and love to Ukraine.

Improving professional skills

Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement Activity and Policeistics, Doctor of Law Ihor Zozulya passed a number of foreign webinars to improve scientific and pedagogical skills. 

University philology lecturers joined the writing of a foreign collective monograph

University scholars - senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Faculty № 6, Candidate of Philology Natalia Kobylko and Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 1, Candidate of Philology Oleg Goncharuk - joined the collective monograph "Philological science and education: transformation and development vectors".

Cooperation between the Faculty № 6 and the international organization ELSA continues

2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty № 6, KhNUIA took part in the international meeting of future lawyers, which took place in the Regional Center for Free Secondary Legal Aid in Luhansk and Kharkiv regions, organized by the international organization for law students ELSA.

University student Oleksandr Balabin won a gold medal and goes to the European Championship

Oleksandr Balabin, a second-year student of the 6th faculty of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, won the Ukrainian Youth Boxing Championship, which took place from July 26 to August 1 in Kharkiv.

Valerii Sokurenko: Step forward with confidence, work honestly for the benefit of the Ukrainian people!

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs graduated 1333 young specialists of the faculty № 6 - bachelors and masters - both full-time and part-time in the following specialties: “Law”, “Law Enforcement”, “Psychology”, “Cyber Security”, “Finance, banking, and insurance”. 65 graduates received diplomas with honors.