Cybersecurity Specialist Mykyta Knysh held a lecture for cadets and university students

A specialist in cybersecurity, a specialist in the field of web services protection and incident investigation with more than ten years of experience Mykyta Knysh conducted a review lecture on modern instruments for collecting and finding information from open internet sources for applicants of education and scientific and pedagogical staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

A legal clinic of KhNUIA has been opened in the center of Kharkiv

A Legal Clinic of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has been opened in the Palace of Culture of the Headquarters of the National Police in Kharkiv Region. Free legal assistance to citizens will be provided by university cadets and students under the supervision of curators-lecturers who provide methodological and theoretical maintenance of the legal clinic activity.

Graduates of Secondary School № 102 were invited to study at the university

Associate Professor of Labor and Economic Law of the Faculty № 2 of KhNUIA Olena Chornous together with colleagues from Faculty № 6 Associate Professors of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Yevheniia Ananieva and Artem Podorozhnii conducted career guidance activities in Secondary School № 102 of Kharkiv City.

Career guidance meeting with high school students

Anastasiia Kholdoienko, a lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement and Police Studies of the faculty № 6, visited СI "Petropavlovsk Secondary School № 1 I-III grades", where she held a meeting with 11th-grade students, management and teachers of the school.

A binary lesson for students on property rights

There was the binary seminar for 2nd-year students of the faculty № 6 KhNUIA on "General positions of property rights". The classes were conducted by the Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Professor Yuriy Zhornokuy, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Professor Volodymyr Kroytor, Managing Partner, Lawyer of the “Ares” Law Firm Roman Chumak.

Literary quest "Get to know the Kobzar"

Every year on March 9-10, Ukrainians honor the memory of Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko, the poet, the artist, the philosopher, the public figure, the founder of the Ukrainian literary language. On the eve of the artist's birthday, the students of faculty № 6 took part in the literary quest "Knowing the Kobzar", organized by the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Development of teaching and management at universities

Iryna Vasylko, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in an online course " Development of teaching and management at universities " by means of open online platform Prometheus and received a certificate of completion.

Representatives of the University took part in the discussion of the Concept for updating the Civil Code of Ukraine

Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of faculty №4 Sviatoslav Slipchenko, Associate Professor of the same department Oleksandr Shyshka and Professor of Civil Law and Proceedings of Faculty №6 Oleksandr Kukhariev took an active part in the discussion of the Concept for updating the Civil Code of Ukraine.

Binary lesson on taxation

Oksana Viktorova, Deputy Head of the Press Service of the Road Patrol Service of Kharkiv region and Lecturers of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity held a binary lesson on the topic "Tax Discount" for students of the Faculty № 6 on specialty "Law Enforcement"  

Cooperation of the university with the international organization ELSA

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is developing international relations with educational, scientific and public organizations on the way of integration of higher education into the European space. Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Sokurenko and Vice President of ELSA Ukraine Vladyslav Makarov signed a cooperation agreement.