Participation in training webinars on gender-based and domestic violence

Maryna Haidenko, a participant of the School of Scientific Leadership, a cadet of the 2nd year of the Faculty of KhNUIA, took part in training seminars "Increasing the capacity of non-governmental organizations to raise awareness of gender-based and domestic violence and work with clients in COVID-19".

Online Meeting of Working Group on Human Rights

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, particulary specialists of Department of International Cooperation Inna Savina and Alona Subocheva, took part in an online meeting of Working Group on Human Rights organized by Kharkiv office of UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine.

University scholars took part in the international scientific and practical conference in Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan

An online international scientific and practical conference "The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a guarantor of the rule of law: the formation and analysis of the path traveled" was held in Karaganda on the basis of Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov. 

Deputy Head of SRL of the University for Combating Crime took part in the 21st Colloquium on Cross-Border Crime

Deputy Head of the Research Laboratory for Combating Crime of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant Colonel of Police Oleksii Serdyuk took part in the 21st colloquium on cross-border crime "Cross-border Crime: how global can it be?". The event was hosted by the Police College of Kongsvinger University (Norway) this year. Due to restrictions connected to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event took place in an online format.

Participation in the international youth exchange in Bulgaria

Deputy Head of the School of Scientific Leadership the 2nd year cadet of the Faculty №1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Mykyta Bielievtsov as
the leader of the Ukrainian team took part in the international youth exchange in Bulgaria (Smolyana) within the framework of the Erasmus + program of the
European Union.

Participation of university cadets in the training camp EYP Ukraine (European Youth Parliament)

Volodymyr Ishchenko, a member of the School of Scientific Leadership of the faculty №1, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the EYP Ukraine (European Youth Parliament) training camp in Odessa, where he represented Ukraine as an intern among other Eastern Partnership and EU countries: Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia. Armenia and Germany.

We invite you to take part in the online event of the Horizon 2020 project "European Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age"

We invite you to take part in the online event of the Horizon 2020 project "European Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age", which will take place on 4th August 2021 from noon (CET) onwards. In Ukraine at 13.00!

The university hosted trainings "Custody Records" for National Police officers

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs awarded certificates to trainees - representatives of the National Police of Ukraine on the topic "Custody Records" within the project "LAW Police" (UNOPS).
On the basis of the training ground "Police Training Department", the university has implemented a model of Custody Records, which is used by the police to improve compliance with the standards of protection of the rights of detainees.

Representatives of the university take part in the international online seminar on the development of a training course on radiation safety

A virtual international seminar on the development of a training course on police response to the threat of theft of ionizing radiation sources during use, storage or transportation has started on the basis of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The event is part of a joint project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Department of Radiological Safety of the US Department of Energy.

Exchange of cadets within the Ukraine Student Academic Mobility (SAM) Programme

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part and became one of the winners of the All-Ukrainian Academic Mobility Programme "Ukraine Student Academic Mobility (SAM)", which is a component of the EU House of Europe programme and is funded by the British Council.