Participation in the conference on providing legal assistance to war victims

Representatives of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty No. 4 took part in the conference "Psychological and legal assistance to war victims: a year of experience after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and modern challenges", organized by the NGO "Vector of Human Rights" within the international project "Psychological and legal aid for responding to and mitigating the consequences of the war in Ukraine".

Participation in the webinar in English "Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear safety"

University representatives took part in the webinar "Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense". The participants of the event learned about assessments of possible chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats; investigation of cases related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats; actions regarding threats and incidents related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear challenges.

Participation in a webinar on crime prevention

KhNUIA representatives participated in the webinar in English "Crime prevention targeting high-risk victim groups" on the LEEd CEPOL online educational platform. The purpose of the webinar is to popularize the practice of crime prevention and spread quality knowledge about crime prevention in the EU countries.

Participation in the webinar on artificial intelligence

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty No. 4 took part in the webinar "The European Law on Artificial Intelligence: Regulation of the Use of AI for Law Enforcement Purposes." It was conducted by the Center for Civil Liberties and the international non-profit human rights organization "ABA ROLI" within the framework of the joint project "Promoting Internet Freedom in Ukraine".

Representatives of KhNUIA participated online in the "Profession without restrictions" forum

Head of the Debate Club of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs  Nataliia Rastorhuieva made a career orientation speech at the online forum "Profession without restrictions". The project is implemented by the Center for Gender Culture from September 2022 due to the support of the Government of Canada within the framework of the project "Women's Voice and Leadership - Ukraine", which is implemented by the Ukrainian Women's Fund and the Gender Education Center of Izium.

Organization of remote work under martial law

Nataliia Filipska, a senior lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Faculty No. 4, took part in the webinar "Organization of remote work under martial law" and received a certificate based on the results of her work. The event was organized by the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights and USAID.

Participants of the online module "Firearms" received certificates

The lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3, Anna Tsyrkulienko, together with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, received a certificate based on the results of successful completion of the online module "Firearms".

Participation in the "Investigation of war crimes" training

On the initiative of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) and the project "Training and Operational Partnership Against Organized Crime" (TOPCOP), a sub-regional training on the topic "Investigation of war crimes" was held in the city of Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) for employees of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and Republic of Moldova.

KhNUIA representatives participated in the meeting of the Horizon 2020 project consortium

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on gender issues took part in the meeting of the NOTIONES consortium in the city of Bilbao (Kingdom of Spain). The purpose of the visit was to participate in the second workshop, round table and General Assembly of the consortium.

Online symposium "National Security Law and the War in Ukraine: Views from the Frontline States"

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the online symposium "National Security Law and the War in Ukraine: Views from the Frontline States", organized by the Ukrainian Catholic University in partnership with Syracuse University and the University of Bialystok.