Future Community Police Officers from 8 regions of Ukraine were undergoing a special training course developed by Ukrainian and international law enforcement experts at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs for 2.5 months.
The celebrations on the occasion of the graduation of community police officers took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on 6 February this year. A plot about this event was released in the TV program "Law Enforcement Guards", that is broadcast on TV channels: «А/ТВК» (A/TVK) and «7 kanal» (7 channel).
The program “Law Enforcement Guards” on TV channels “А/ТВК” (A/TVK) and “7 channel” (7 kanal) released a plot about the cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who together with police officers and activists held an action and painted the e-mail addresses of drugstores in Liubotyn City.
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs prepares: by state demand in the specialty 081 "Law" doctoral students (study period 2 years) and adjuncts (study period 4 years); at the expense of individuals and legal entities in the specialties 081 "Law", 053 "Psychology", 011 "Educational, pedagogical sciences" - postgraduate students (study period 4 years).
Cadets of the final year of the Faculty No 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continue to study the discipline "Workshop with the use of technical and forensic instrument of evidence". This time the field binary classes on the topic "Forensic explosives" were held for the study groups.
Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said that this year the Interior Ministry is launching two large-scale projects - an aeromedical evacuation system and a reform of the hydro meteorological service of the SES.
The Minister of Internal Affairs stated that last year turned out to be extremely difficult for Ukraine: not only a global pandemic, but also devastating floods and large-scale forest fires. And the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to respond to these exceptional challenges at the same time as their main work. Arsen Avakov told about it during a speech at the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov said that in 2021 the Ministry will continue to implement previously launched projects. The Minister stated about it during the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
During the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the head Arsen Avakov stated that in 2020, thanks to the consolidated efforts of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Migration Service and the Main Service Center in mobile application “DiYa”, digital images of Ukrainian passport in the form of ID-card, foreign biometric passport, driver’s license and vehicle registration certificate were introduced.
Quality Engineer of the Quality Management Department of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Tetiana Shapovalova took a distance course on “Critical Thinking for Educators” on the Prometheus platform.