Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminology and Expertology Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminology and Expertology

The regular meeting chaired by the associate professor of the department, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Svitlana Lozova was dedicated to the topic of combating violence and preventing domestic violence. On December 17, 1999, the UN General Assembly declared November 25 the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Tactical and special training of police officers Tactical and special training of police officers

A practical lesson for second-year students of the ERI No. 1 was conducted by police officers of the BPP platoon servicing the UPP in Khmelnytskyi region, Yurii Syrotiuk and Maksym Tatarintsev, together with senior lecturers of the Department of Tactical and Special Training of the ERI No. 2, Mykhailo Bambuliak and Viktor Yasko.

Features of the work of a community officer Features of the work of a community officer

 A binary lesson for cadets of the ERI No. 2 on the discipline "Criminal Law" was conducted by the precinct police officer of Haisyn RPD of the MDNP in Vinnytsia region Vladyslav Mamonov and associate professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the ERI No. 1 Iryna Lutsenko.

Curatorial hours on the topic of patriotism Curatorial hours on the topic of patriotism

Meetings with students on the 1000th day of the full-scale hostile invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine were held by curators of the educational groups of the ERI No. 5. They talked about the resistance of the Ukrainian people, the de-occupation of cities, the return of prisoners of war, and support for Ukraine by other states.

Binary lesson with the participation of a psychologist Binary lesson with the participation of a psychologist

Professor of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy Natalia Miloradova and psychologist of the personnel sector of Kamiansk PRD of the MDNP in Dnipropetrovsk region Anastasia Bielous conducted a lesson on the discipline "Conflictology" for 4th-year cadets of the ERI No. 3.

Creative competition “Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs!” Creative competition “Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs!”

Sumy branch held a traditional amateur art competition “Get to know us – we are first year students!” This year, the creative competition was held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as a university.

Binary lesson on the discipline "Civil Law" Binary lesson on the discipline

For third-year students studying in the specialty "Law Enforcement Activities", Yulia Tutova, a lecturer at the Department of Civil Law and Process of the ERI No. 5, together with lawyer, Candidate of Law Olha Koliesnikova, held a lesson on the topic "Civil Law Contract as a Basis for Providing Cosmetology Services."

Law and Order: How University Forms the Future of Ukraine's Law Enforcement System Law and Order: How University Forms the Future of Ukraine's Law Enforcement System

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as a university, the curator of the group, professor of the Department of Criminology and Forensic Expertise Ihor Zozulia gave a lecture to the cadets, which highlighted innovative approaches to the educational process, the formation of ethical standards and patriotic values.

Binary lesson on the discipline "Special Physical Training" Binary lesson on the discipline

For cadets of the ERI No. 2, a lesson on the topic "Painful techniques and methods of detention" was conducted by the inspector of the response sector of the patrol police of Chuhuiv PRD of the MDNP in Kharkiv region, Yaroslav Kyzym, and the lecturer of the department of special physical training of the ERI No. 2, Anton Chernikov.

The review-competition of amateur art has finished at the University The review-competition of amateur art has finished at the University

The youth of the Educational and Research Institutes No. 2 and No. 3 of KhNUIA demonstrated artistic performances in three nominations: ‘Vocal Genre’, “Choreography” and ’Freshman Debut. Number of choice’. All the performances were supported by the audience, many of them were dedicated to the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people.