Senior lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the ERI No. 1 Yulia Inshekova gave a lecture to students of the ERI No. 1 on the topic "History and Present Day of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs". She spoke about the stages of the formation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, its development, and achievements.
Personal safety instructor of the professional training department of the personnel management department of the MDNP in Sumy region Serhii Makukha, together with senior lecturer of the department of special physical training of the ERI No. 2 Andrii Nadutyi and lecturer of the same department Oleksandr Shepelev, conducted a lesson for students of the ERI No. 2.
Researcher of the Research Laboratory on Pre-Trial Investigation Issues of the ERI No. 1 Denys Denyschuk met online with students of the Faculty of Law and Entrepreneurship of the private higher education institution "Kharkiv University". He presented options for obtaining higher education at the bachelor's and master's degrees at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
On this topic, a binary lesson in the discipline "Business Process Management" for applicants of the ERI No. 4 was conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines Oleksii Susidenk and Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Stanislav Vasylyshyn.
In order to spread positive experience in implementing non-formal (informal) education, higher education students of the ERI No. 1 of KhNUIA took the course "OSINT - Open Source Intelligence and Information Security" on the online educational platform "PROMETHEUS".
The main goal of the event, organized by the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities and Crime Solution of KhNUIA, is aimed at familiarizing 3rd year cadets of the ERI No. 2 with the activities of modern expert forensic units, consolidating theoretical knowledge of operational and investigative activities.
On the initiative and assistance of the director of Kamianets-Podilskyi lyceum, Alona Kuzema, professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the ERI No. 4 of KhNUIA, Svitlana Luchyk, conducted a lesson on the basics of cyber hygiene and cybersecurity for graduate students.
On this topic, associate professors of the Department of Sociology and Psychology Yulia Tverdokhvalova and Iryna Zhdanova held a binary lesson within the disciplines of "Psychodiagnostics" and "Crisis Psychology". The invited specialist is Candidate of Psychological Sciences Yanina Matsehora.
Head of the ITT No. 4 of the MDNP in Khmelnytskyi region Volodymyr Sokolan and his deputy Yaroslav Bondarchuk, together with Iryna Nechaieva, a lecturer at the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-Trial Investigation, conducted a binary class for the training group of the ERI No. 1.
Students of the ERI No. 5 have produced another batch of trench candles for the defenders who are on the front lines. The candles are easy to make and use, and on the front lines in winter they are simply indispensable.