Another information event on participation in the competitions of the Horizon Europe program in the direction of "Civil Security for Society" Another information event on participation in the competitions of the Horizon Europe program in the direction of

The event brought together representatives of KhNUIA from among the scientific and pedagogical staff and higher education students, other higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, participants of KhNUIA School of Scientific Leadership. The event was opened by the Head of the International Cooperation Department, Tetiana Matiushkova.

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs – 30 years of law enforcement service Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs – 30 years of law enforcement service

On this topic, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Activities of the ERI No. 3 Natalia Hridina held a meeting with cadets on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the status of a university, during which they discussed key aspects of the history and development of the higher education institution.

Practicing tactics in case of a threat to the life and health of a police officer Practicing tactics in case of a threat to the life and health of a police officer

A binary lesson on the discipline "Tactical and Special Training" for 2nd year higher education students of the ERI No. 3 was conducted by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Tactical and Special Training of the ERI No. 2 together with the commander of the KORD unit of the MDNP of Vinnytsia region with the participation of the Deputy Director of the ERI No. 3 Vladyslav Kolisnichenko.

Binary lesson on the interaction of the investigator with police departments and services Binary lesson on the interaction of the investigator with police departments and services

The lecturer of the Department of Criminology and Forensic Expertise of the ERI No. 1 of KhNUIA, police major Yevhenii Zozulia, together with employees of the human rights sector of Kamianets-Podilskyi DPD of the MDNP in Khmelnytskyi region, conducted a binary lesson within the discipline "Criminal Science" for higher education students of the ERI No. 1.

On the occasion of the Dignity and Freedom Day of Ukraine, an online meeting of the staff of the ERI No. 5 was held On the occasion of the Dignity and Freedom Day of Ukraine, an online meeting of the staff of the ERI No. 5 was held

Director of the Educational and Research Institute No. 5 Oksana Brusakova congratulated the scientific and pedagogical workers and students on the holiday and called on them to honor the patriotism and courage of citizens who stood up for the defense of democratic values ​​and national interests of the Ukrainian state.

Participation in a roundtable session Participation in a roundtable session

A roundtable session was held on the topic "Interaction between public authorities and law enforcement agencies in the context of ensuring public safety under martial law", which was organized by representatives of KhNUIA and the NGO "Youth Organization of Emerging Leaders".

Meeting with Lyceum Directors Meeting with Lyceum Directors

The Deputy Director of the ERI No. 3 for Educational and Research Activities, Hryhorii Dzhahupov, held a career orientation event at the Department of Education of Vinnytsia City Council, which was attended by the Head of the Department, Oksana Yatsenko, and the directors of Vinnytsia Lyceums. During the meeting, they discussed cooperation issues regarding the admission of graduates of educational institutions to KhNUIA.

Acquaintance of cadets with the history of the creation and development of the university Acquaintance of cadets with the history of the creation and development of the university

The curator of the study group, associate professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure Nataliia Shyshka gave a lecture to the second-year cadets of the ERI No. 1 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of granting Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs the status of a university. She familiarized the young people with the history of the creation of Kharkiv Police Academy, its achievements in training specialists for the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine.

Binary lesson with the participation of a police inspector Binary lesson with the participation of a police inspector

A practical lesson for second-year students of the ERI No. 4 was conducted by the inspector of the water police sector of Khmelnytskyi Water Department, Roman Leniuk, together with senior lecturers of the tactical and special training department of the ERI No. 2, Volodymyr Yevtushok and Serhii Kuchynskyi.

Participant of hostilities Oleksii Domshynskyi: “I hope to master the theory well and successfully pass the exam” Participant of hostilities Oleksii Domshynskyi: “I hope to master the theory well and successfully pass the exam”

A new group of students is taking the theoretical course at KhNUIA Driving School, which includes people with disabilities, participants of hostilities and members of their families from Kamianets-Podilskyi. One of these students of the Driving School is a resident of Kamianets-Podilskyi, a participant of hostilities Oleksii Domshynskyi.