Informational and educational talks with cadets Informational and educational talks with cadets

On the eve of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the status of a university for higher education students of the Educational and Research Institutes No. 1-4, curators of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work held thematic informational and educational talks.

Memorandum of cooperation signed Memorandum of cooperation signed

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, NGO ‘Federation of Auditors, Accountants and Financiers of the Agricultural Sector of Ukraine’ and ALC ‘Institute of Accounting and Finance’ signed a Memorandum aimed at carrying out educational, scientific and practical activities in the field of higher education.

Binary lesson in the discipline ‘Theory of State and Law’ with the participation of an investigator Binary lesson in the discipline ‘Theory of State and Law’ with the participation of an investigator

Serhii Koliesnikov, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of KhNUIA, together with Oleksandr Barbaniuk, Investigator of the Department for Solving Crimes Committed Against Life and Health of the Investigation Department of Kamianets-Podilskyi District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Khmelnytskyi Region, conducted a class for 1st year students of the Educational and Research Institute No. 5.

Career guidance event at the lyceum ‘Professional’ Career guidance event at the lyceum ‘Professional’

Hanna Hofeld and Yulia Tutova, lecturers of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the ERI No. 5, held a law lesson with lyceum graduates. The representatives of the university also talked to the lyceum students about the 2025 admission campaign, acquainted them with the prospects and advantages of obtaining higher education at the ERI №5 of KhNUIA.

Topical issues of housing and communal services management Topical issues of housing and communal services management

Within the framework of cooperation between Vinnytsia branch of KhNUIA Legal Clinic and Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Governments and the Central-Western Department of Free Legal Aid of the Northern Interregional Centre for Free Legal Aid Provision, a regular consultation meeting was held.

To the attention of applicants for higher education, lecturers and scientists of KhNUIA! To the attention of applicants for higher education, lecturers and scientists of KhNUIA!

On22 November 2024, at 10.00, the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Current Problems of Legal, Economic and Social Development of the State’ dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the status of a university will be held online at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

An agreement was signed between the cadet-student Parliament of KhNUIA and the student-cadet council of DonSUIA An agreement was signed between the cadet-student Parliament of KhNUIA and the student-cadet council of DonSUIA

The initiator of the agreement, which opens up new prospects for the development of cooperation between educational institutions, was the chairman of the cadet and student government of KhNUIA Mykola Sorochyshyn. The main principles of cooperation are equality, partnership, mutual assistance, transparency and mutual responsibility for the results of cooperation.

Curatorial hours on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of KhNUIA in the status of university Curatorial hours on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of KhNUIA in the status of university

The curators of the academic groups of the ERI №4 and the ERI №1 held educational hours on the topic ‘On our flag ’Knowledge. Law. Honour. Victory’. Lecturers told about the historical stages of the university, its achievements and importance in training specialists for the law enforcement system of Ukraine.

The importance of intercultural communication for the professional activity of future specialists The importance of intercultural communication for the professional activity of future specialists

Valentyna Pochuieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA, held a meeting of the scientific club on intercultural communication. The members of the group discussed verbal and non-verbal means of intercultural communication and noted that the cultural diversity of Ukrainian society encourages everyone to interact constructively.

Improving professional skills in providing psychological assistance Improving professional skills in providing psychological assistance

Lecturers of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI № 5 underwent a refresher course on modern methods and practices of psychological support for for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as part of the training webinar ‘Actual challenges of psychological assistance in war’.