"16 Days Against Violence" campaign: experts and speakers discuss important issues and achievements
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Representatives of the Department of International Cooperation of KhNUIA joined the event organized by Media Center Ukraine. During the event, the coordinators of the UN Foundation's Cities and Communities Free from Domestic Violence project, the Survivors Assistance Center, and the Way Home NGO discussed topical issues, including preventing and combating violence against women and girls.

Law enforcement agencies of modern states
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Nataliia Filipska, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4, conducted a binary lesson for cadets of one of the study groups of the Faculty № 2 on the discipline "Fundamentals of Legal Knowledge. Constitutional Law".

Address of Rector Valerii Sokurenko on the occasion of the University Day
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Dear employees, officers, cadets, students, dear friends!
Today we are celebrating the 29th anniversary of the University and the 106th anniversary of the beginning of law enforcement training in Kharkiv. Our Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a large family that unites many generations of cadets, students, master's and postgraduate students, and graduates, is in difficult conditions.

"Board of Honor" is on the official website of the University
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On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the foundation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the 106th anniversary of the beginning of law enforcement training in Kharkiv region, the official website of the University has posted a "Board of Honor".

Celebrations for the University Day
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Celebrations were held to mark the 29th anniversary of the University and the 106th anniversary of the beginning of law enforcement training in Kharkiv region. With a minute of silence, the participants honored the patriotism, courage, loyalty and heroism of those who gave their lives for the unity and independence of Ukraine, as well as all law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.

Congratulations to the staff of KhNUIA from the National Aerospace University named after M.Ye. Zhukovskyi "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"
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Dear colleagues! We congratulate you on the 29th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the 106th anniversary of the beginning of law enforcement training in Kharkiv. We wish you good health, inspiration and inexhaustible energy to reach new heights.

Congratulations to the staff of KhNUIA from the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
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The command and personnel of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine sincerely congratulate the staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the day of establishment of the university. May every day bring you peace of mind and well-being, goodness and happiness to you and your families, good health and new professional achievements!

Congratulations to the staff of KhNUIA from the Scientific Research Center "Bokarius Institute of Forensic Expertise"
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Congratulations to the staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on its Foundation Day! The University is a reliable center for educating a new generation of the legal community, law enforcement officers, defenders of the rights of our citizens, a place where science is created, national consciousness is formed, and fundamental ideas are born that change the world for the better.

Concert dedicated to the University Day
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The creative team of Mykola Leontovych Vinnytsia Regional Philharmonic congratulated the staff and students of the university on the 29th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the 106th anniversary of the beginning of law enforcement training in Kharkiv.

Cadets of Sumy branch got acquainted with the history of creation and formation of KhNUIA
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Lecturers of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch, Professor Oleksii Shumilo and Senior Lecturer Andrii Siadrystyi, held an event for second-year cadets on the topic "History of my Alma Mater" dedicated to the 29th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.