Additional classes on the algorithm of actions in case of emergencies were held
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The Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3 conducted additional classes on the topic "Algorithm of recommended actions of police officers in case of emergencies, nuclear explosion and radiation hazard outside the NES surveillance zone" for the first-year students of the camp training of Faculties No. 1-4 of KhNUIA.

A man of great talent and a great fiery heart
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Ivan Franko... A whole era of Ukrainian culture. One of the greatest writers of the Slavic peoples. An intellectual, thinker and spiritual mentor of Ukrainians. August 27 marks the 167th anniversary of his birth. He wrote about six thousand works of fiction, journalism, and science. His works have been published in 50 volumes. He was fluent in three languages-Ukrainian, Polish, and German-and translated from 14 languages.

Introducing the university library to freshmen
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Olha Lazareva, Head of the Book Storage Department of the Scientific Library of KhNUIA, introduced the information resources of the library portal to the freshmen of the camp training of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4.

Participation in the webinar on anti-corruption policy
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Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Yuliia Zahumenna took part in the webinar "Lessons from EU Anti-Corruption Policy for Sustainable Development of Ukrainian Civil Society". During the webinar, the peculiarities of the European Union's anti-corruption policy were considered, and the priority areas of national anti-corruption policy were identified in the light of European integration processes, civil society development and full-scale war.

Training sessions for combatants at the Driving School of KhNUIA (video)
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Serhii Vasyliev, a former soldier of an airborne assault brigade, applied to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Driving School for Persons with Disabilities to retrain and acquire skills in driving a manual car.

Former serviceman of one of the air assault brigades Serhii Vasyliev undergoes training at the Driving School of KhNUIA
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On the first day of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, Serhii Vasyliev volunteered to go to the military enlistment office and joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He understood that he needed to defend his homeland, his home, his family, and his four children who remained at home. He destroyed the enemy in Mykolaiv, Dnipro and Donetsk directions.

Greetings of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine
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To the great people of great Ukraine, who are celebrating a great day today - Independence Day! A holiday of free people. A holiday of strong people. A holiday of worthy people. A holiday of equals. Ukrainian men and Ukrainian women. All of them. In our entire country.
Today we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of our independence - the independence of Ukraine.

Ihor Klymenko: 32 years of freedom and 18 months of heroic resistance and invincibility
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Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ihor Klymenko congratulated Ukrainians on Independence Day.
For 547 days, Ukrainian Defenders have been faithfully defending the country from the Russian aggressor. Our Heroes bravely stand for our Independence, values and the right to live in a free country.

Congratulations of the Rector of KhNUIA Valerii Sokurenko to the University staff on the Independence Day of Ukraine
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Dear employees, cadets, students, master's and adjunct students!
Today we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of Ukraine's Independence. This is one of the most important and solemn holidays of our country, a symbol of victory, national revival, spiritual freedom and cultural growth. The achievement of Independence was the key to the establishment of the inviolable right of the Ukrainian people to live in a free democratic society where the highest value is the human being.

Video greetings on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine
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On August 24, all of Ukraine celebrates Independence Day. The creative team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs wishes you victorious peace, goodness and harmony! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!