Congratulations of the Director of the Department of Science and Education of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleksii Lytvynov to the staff of KhNUIA on the Independence Day of Ukraine
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32 years ago, in 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Act of Independence of Ukraine. As stated in this document, the independence of our state was proclaimed "based on the mortal danger that hung over Ukraine in connection with the coup d'état in the USSR on August 19, 1991". Despite the "mortal danger," Ukraine managed to gain independence and finally create an independent Ukrainian state.

Congratulations on Independence Day from the Faculty № 6
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Today, Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day for the second time since the full-scale war with Russia. Hundreds of thousands of heroes are defending our country and its sovereignty at the front so that we can celebrate this great day for every Ukrainian again and again. The poem, full of love for Ukraine, indomitability, and the desire for Victory and Peace, is performed by Nataliia Vasylenko, a student of the Faculty No. 6.

To the Independence Day of Ukraine
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The Scientific Library has prepared a virtual exhibition for the Independence Day of Ukraine and offers for reading the 20 most popular editions of the electronic library of KhNUIA dedicated to the history of our country, the development of statehood, Ukrainian identity

Huge Flag of Ukraine conquered three elements
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On the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine, cadets of the Faculties 1 and 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the flash mob "United by Ukraine" organized by the public organization "Ratusha". The solemn raising of the 330 m² State Flag of Ukraine took place in three elements - on the ground, on the water, and in the air.

Celebrations on the occasion of state holidays - the National Flag Day and the Independence Day of Ukraine - were held at KhNUIA.
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The event was attended by the management and staff of the Faculties №№ 1-4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The National Flag Day and the Independence Day of Ukraine are a memory of the generations of our ancestors who defended their land, fought for the right to live in their own state of Ukraine - free and independent. It is with the raising of the National Flag of Ukraine accompanied by the National Anthem of Ukraine that all events held at the University traditionally begin.

President at the ceremony of raising the State Flag: Ukrainian flag is a source of will and invincibility of all warriors fighting for our land (VIDEO)
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On the National Flag Day, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy took part in the ceremony of raising the blue and yellow flag.
The country's largest state flag was raised on the territory of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War Memorial Complex in Kyiv.

Ihor Klymenko: Our flag will definitely return to every temporarily occupied settlement
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The Minister of Internal Affairs addressed the citizens on the occasion of the National Flag Day of Ukraine.
"With the blue and yellow colors, our defenders bravely go into battle and defend the values symbolized by our flag - the integrity, independence and unity of the nation. These are the colors that fly throughout the civilized world in support of the free Ukrainian people. We are proud of them. And we are fighting for them"

On the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine
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On August 23, 2004, the former President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma signed Decree No. 987/2004 "On the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine". This Decree "in honor of the centuries-old history of Ukrainian statehood, the state symbols of independent Ukraine and in order to foster respect for the state symbols of Ukraine" established a new holiday in Ukraine - the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine, which is celebrated annually on August 23.

Happy City Day, my dear Kharkiv!
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August 23 is a double holiday for us, Kharkiv residents. We celebrate the Day of the City of Kharkiv, which turns 369 years old, and the Day of its liberation from the Nazi invaders in 1943 during World War II. At that time, Kharkiv survived the Nazi occupation, suffered significant human losses and destruction, but it survived, won, revived, and regained its glory as a powerful scientific, industrial, cultural, and educational center of Ukraine.

Psychological support of the camp training
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One of the measures that helps freshmen adapt to new conditions is group training. During the interactive interaction of the psychologist with the cadets, many useful goals are achieved: trust in the psychologist is formed through relaxed communication in an equal space, the cadets get to know each other, etc.