Creative meeting with cadet youth
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As part of the Podillia Open poetry festival and on the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Volunteer, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a creative meeting with director and film actor Kostiantyn Linartovych and his son, film, theater and dubbing actor, bard, and lecturer at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Dmytro Linartovych for students of the Faculties №1 and №4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Scientists of Sumy branch took part in the discussion of gender-sensitive issues
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Valentyna Vasylenko, Head of the Department of Humanities of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and Hanna Dovhopolova, Associate Professor of the same department, took part in the information and educational forum "Modern Trends in Ensuring Gender Balance in the Context of European Integration".

March 21 - World Poetry Day
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On March 21, in accordance with the resolution of the 30th session of UNESCO, which took place in 1999 in Paris, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day annually. As part of its celebration, it was proposed to popularize poetry as an art form that allows the entire world society to find and affirm its identity.

Graduates of the Humenetskyi Lyceum were introduced to the University
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Within the framework of career guidance and for the purpose of further cooperation, senior lecturers of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty №3 of KhNUIA Iryna Shutiak and Mykhailo Inshekov met with the graduating students of the supporting institution "Humenetskyi Lyceum".

Participation in the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Higher Education in the Context of Modern Challenges: Theory and Practice"
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Nataliia Yelnikova, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty No. 2, took part in the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Higher Education in the Context of Modern Challenges: Theory and Practice" held at H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.

Career guidance work among graduates of secondary education institutions in Shostka
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Within the framework of the agreements reached between Sumy branch of KhNUIA and the Department of Education of Shostka, the leading specialist of the branch Valerii Kudriavtsev organized online career guidance meetings with graduates of Shostka Secondary School No. 4, Shostka Specialized School No. 1 and Shostka Educational Complex: Specialized School of I-II degrees-Lyceum.

Congratulations to the winners!
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On March 03-14, 2023, Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held the Cyber Researcher Olympiad remotely. The event was attended by 147 students from different regions of Ukraine.

Stress resistance of a police officer under martial law
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On the initiative of the Dean of the Faculty №6 Oksana Brusakova, a speaker-major of the police, head of the cycle of general professional training of the Academy of Patrol Police of Kyiv Vasyl Chornobrovenko gave a lecture on "Stress resistance of a police officer under martial law" for students majoring in Law Enforcement.

Career guidance meeting with graduates of Zmiiv Lyceum No. 1 named after Z. K. Sliusarenko
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The leadership of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held an online career guidance meeting with graduating students of the Municipal Institution "Z. K. Sliusarenko Zmiiv Lyceum No. 1" of Zmiiv City Council of Chuhuiv District, Kharkiv Region.

New monograph by university scientists
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A new monographic study "Human Life Safety System", prepared by a team of authors of KhNUIA.