University cadets conduct career guidance meetings and legal education trainings

1st year cadets of the Faculty № 1 within the framework of the Center for Interaction with Secondary Educational Institutions and Career Guidance of the School of Scientific Leadership of KhNUIA held career guidance meetings and legal education trainings in Shandryholovska Secondary School of Donetsk Region, Sosnytska Gymnasium named after O.P. Dovzhenko of Chernihiv region, Shelestov lyceum of Kharkiv region, Nizhyn lyceum of Chernihiv region.

Participation of university cadets in archeological excavations

Participant of the School of Scientific Leadership 2nd year cadet of Faculty № 1 Yuliia Shelest along with representatives of the public organization "Union of Search Detachments of Ukraine" took part in archeological excavations in Balakliia district of Kharkiv region.

University cadets started their internship

In the Palace of Culture of the Main Department of the National Police in Kharkiv Region, the internship placement into territorial unitis for 2-3-year cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took place.

The participant of the School of Scientific Leadership participated in women's leadership courses

Participant of the School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 2nd year cadet of the Faculty № 1 Krystyna Koval passed the
courses "Gender Oriented Governance" and "Women's Leadership and Political Participation of Women" on the EdEra educational platform and received a certificate.

The university lecturer has passed an international internship under the advanced training program

Yuliia Zabolotna, a lecturer at the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Science and Pre-Medical Training of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, passed the International Internship under the Advanced Training Program "Fundraising and Organization of Project Activities in Educational Institutions: European Experience" for academic and scientific and academic workers (Poland-Ukraine).

Inexhaustible opportunities for non-formal education in Ukraine

Nataliia Zadorozhna, a participant of the School of Scientific Leadership, a cadet of the 1st year of the Faculty №1 of KhNUIA, took an online course "Information Security" on the Prometheus platform.

Participation in the first archeological excavations this year

Victoria Kolesnyk, a third-year cadet of the Faculty № 1, who is a member of the School of Scientific Leadership, together with representatives of the Union of Search Detachments of Ukraine took part in the first archeological excavations in Balakliia district of Kharkiv region.

Participation in a webinar “Why do we need local authorities?”

Participant of the School of Scientific Leadership, 2nd year cadet of the Faculty № 1 Maryna Haidenko took part in a two-day webinar “Why do we need local authorities?”. Partners of the event are famous Ukrainian associations “Plast”, “CSP – Civic Solidarity Platform”, Head Coach is Kateryna Konstantynova. Webinar united those who aim to real changes in society. It is not necessary to hold a high position, but only to have the desire to develop your city, town, village or community.

University cadets take online courses on the LEEd CEPOL platform

Participant of the School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 2nd year cadet of the Faculty № 1 Krystyna Koval took a course "Gender-based Violence" on the educational online platform LEEd CEPOL and received a certificate.

Certification of the applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education of the Faculty № 3 took place

Certification of applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education of the Faculty № 3, who study in the specialty 262 "Law Enforcement" took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The knowledge of master's students was assessed taking into account theoretical knowledge and passing a police quest.