Cadets and students of the University became winners and prizewinners of Kharkiv region championship on sambo
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The championship of Kharkiv region among juniors and seniors on sambo took place. Athletes from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs also took part in the competition. According to the
results of the competition, the university representatives became winners and won prizes.

Representatives of the University are among the participants of the All-Ukrainian competition of creative and scientific works
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Head of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Vitalii Naida and a Secretary of the School 2nd year cadet of the same Faculty Viktoriia Kolesnyk prepared a joint creative work for the All-Ukrainian competition of student creative and scientific works “Prosecutor's Office and public activists: whether cooperation is possible”.

Participation in the All-Ukrainian essay contest.
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Daria Fartushna, a first-year cadet of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a participant of the School of Scientific Leadership, prepared a creative essay for the All-Ukrainian Essay Competition dedicated to Ukrainian-Azerbaijani diplomatic relations. 

The University staff participated in the online conference DC Link Partner Day-2020
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The first online conference DC Link Partner Day-2020 took place and the employees of the Research laboratory on the development of information technology of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in it.

Representatives of the University improve modern methods of teaching legal disciplines
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Associate professors of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 1 Police Colonel  Iryna Kazanchuk and Lieutenant Colonel of Police Valentyna Yatsenko took part in a four-day online school "Methods of teaching branch legal disciplines of the private law segment", conducted within the project "Improving legal and human rights education”, іmplemented by the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Career guidance work in Romenskyi District of Sumy Region
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Vadym Semenozhenko and Yurii Kuchmieiev, Lecturers of Sumy Centre of Basic Professional Training “Police Academy” of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, visited schools of Romenskyi District. The employees of the Branch spoke with graduates of: Romenskyi Secondary School №№ 10, 11, 4, Specialized Secondary School and Korovynska Secondary School.

Online meeting with graduates of the Private Lyceum “Professional”
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Iryna Panova, Head of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of the Faculty No.6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held an online meeting with graduates of the Private Lyceum “Professional” on the GoogleMeet platform.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a table tennis championship
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At Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the cycle commission of social and humanitarian disciplines and physical training among cadets and students held a table tennis championship.

On December 25, we celebrate Catholic Christmas
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The Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant churches celebrate Christmas on the Gregorian calendar on the Eve of December 25. This is one of the most important holidays for believers.
December 25 has been a public holiday in Ukraine since 2017.

Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College congratulated children with special educational needs
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New Year’s holidays symbolize the embodiment of children’s desires. With the participation of personnel and employees of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a charity event for the New Year and Christmas holidays for children with special educational needs of the Hradyzk special boarding school was held.