Preventive training for young people Preventive training for young people

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a preventive lesson with the participation of the police inspector of VZG BPP in Kremenchuk, senior police lieutenant Yevhen Otchenash and specialists of the department of social-humanitarian, educational and career guidance work.

Linguistic means of describing scientific information are an important component of professional training Linguistic means of describing scientific information are an important component of professional training

A meeting of the scientific circle of students and cadets “Linguistic means of describing scientific information are an important component of professional training” was held. The head of the scientific circle Oksana Savchenko informed the cadets about the participation in the II International scientific-practical conference “Aviation, Industry, Society”, which will be held on May 12, 2021, on the basis of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

University-wide line-up of personnel University-wide line-up of personnel

The university-wide line-up of personnel of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was conducted by Valerii Sokurenko, the Rector of KhNUIA, General of Police of the Third Rank. The event was attended by First Vice-Rector Dmytro Shvets, Vice-Rectors Serhii Bortnyk, Mykhailo Burdin, Leonid Mohilevskyi, as well as heads of departments, course officers, and commanders.

E-court, new challenges and opportunities E-court, new challenges and opportunities

A binary seminar on "E-court, new challenges and opportunities" was held for the second-year-students of Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The seminar was conducted by Hanna Hofeld, a lecturer at the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings, Viktoriia Haivoronska, Chairman of the Kharkiv Region Bar Council, and Antonina Rudnytska, a lawyer.

Binary lesson on Administrative Procedure Binary lesson on Administrative Procedure

A binary practical lesson on Administrative Procedure on the topic "Peculiarities of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses" was held for second-year cadets of faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Perfection of teaching and learning in higher education Perfection of teaching and learning in higher education

Oksana Savchenko, the Head of the Subdivision of Philological Studies, took part in the Forum “Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education”, which took place on the platform of the British Council Ukraine. The event was attended by experts in the field of higher education in Ukraine and the United Kingdom, representatives of higher education institutions, who shared their experience in improving teaching in modern realities.

Meeting of the scientific circle Meeting of the scientific circle

A meeting of the student scientific circle of the Department of Fundamental and Legal Disciplines of Faculty № 6 was held under the leadership of Associate Professor Krystyna Kysylova, teachers of the department Nataliia Pistrenko and Kseniia Hurtova.

Current issues of modern pedagogy: creativity, skill, professionalism Current issues of modern pedagogy: creativity, skill, professionalism

Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA, Oksana Savchenko, the Head of the subdivision of philological disciplines and lecturers Nataliia Koversun, Liudmyla Chyzhova and Liudmyla Ivanchenko remotely take part in the II International teaching-student scientific-practical conference “Topical issues of modern pedagogy: creativity, skill, professionalism”.

Kremenchuk Flight College hosted the World History Olympiad Kremenchuk Flight College hosted the World History Olympiad

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted the World History Olympiad, which was held by the lecturer of this discipline Maryna Kiriukhina. 29 first-year students of the educational and qualification level “professional junior bachelor” took part in the Olympiad.

Professor Oleksii Lytvynov: "The feat that will forever remain in the people's memory" Professor Oleksii Lytvynov:

The deadly threat of the 21st century is radiation. A human is not able to notice, see, hear or feel radiation. It is invisible, has no smell, color, taste, but insidiously makes itself felt by terrible irreversible changes to the surrounding space having a detrimental effect on all alive and above all on a human.