Involving cadets in participation in scientific and practical conferences Involving cadets in participation in scientific and practical conferences

On the initiative of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-Trial Investigation, cadets of the ERI No. 1 and ERI No. 4 took part in the All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues of Human Rights Protection: Current Status, Problematic Issues and Ways to Solve Them."

Cadet Sofia Koval – bronze medalist in beach wrestling competitions Cadet Sofia Koval – bronze medalist in beach wrestling competitions

The Ukrainian Cup in beach wrestling among adults was held in Kyiv, in which Sofia Koval, a 2nd year cadet of Educational and Research Institute No. 3, participated. Thanks to the high level of training, strength and endurance, Sofia won third place in the weight category up to 50 kg.

Ihor Klymenko: "All operational officers and relevant units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are working to seize illegal and hidden weapons"

In an exclusive interview with the RBC-Ukraine news agency, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ihor Klymenko, spoke about the measures that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is implementing to protect citizens from crimes related to the illegal circulation of weapons.

Masters in psychology are undergoing an internship in Khmelnytskyi Masters in psychology are undergoing an internship in Khmelnytskyi

The Head of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy of the ERI No. 3, Olena Fedorenko, visited Khmelnytskyi District Police Department of the MDNP in Khmelnytskyi region, where Maria Dumenko, a second-level (master's) student in Psychology, is undergoing an internship.

Binary lesson on labor law Binary lesson on labor law

Head of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security Olha Hetmanets and Associate Professor of this Department Iryna Kyrieieva, together with the leading legal advisor of the general legal support department of Khmelnytskyi Regional Employment Center Halina Yeremieieva, held a binary lesson for students of the ERI No. 5.

International internship online International internship online

Head of the preparatory department of the ERI No. 5, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Studies Oksana Maliutina completed a scientific and pedagogical internship on the topic "Fundamentals of professional development of a specialist in the field of social sciences" in the specialty "History and archeology".

A legal interactive session was held for schoolchildren A legal interactive session was held for schoolchildren

Senior lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Process of the ERI No. 5, Sofia Popova, as part of her career guidance work, held an event dedicated to the All-Ukrainian Law Week at Zhydachiv Omelian Partytskyi Secondary Educational Institution No. 3 in Lviv region. The university representative involved young people in a legal interactive session, where issues of protecting fundamental human rights were discussed.

KhNUIA held a round table "Application of information technologies in law enforcement activities" KhNUIA held a round table

The event, which is held annually at the initiative of the Department of Cybersecurity and DATA Technologies of the ERI No. 5, was opened by the university Vice-Rector Oleksandr Muzychuk. He emphasized the need to introduce information technologies into the educational process and the problems that arise when using artificial intelligence in the scientific field.

Another online meeting with high school students of Kharkiv region Another online meeting with high school students of Kharkiv region

Head of the Research laboratory on problems of information technologies and combating crime in cyberspace of the ERI No. 4 Dmytro Pashnev held a career orientation meeting with graduating students of schools in Kharkiv region and their parents.

Deepening knowledge and competencies in the design of bibliographic references Deepening knowledge and competencies in the design of bibliographic references

Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA Olena Lukianykhina and student, member of the scientific circle of the department Elyzaveta Kovalenko took part in the webinar "Bibliographic references: we design quickly and qualitatively", organized by the library of Sumy State University.