Scientific activity at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs during the war (video) Scientific activity at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs during the war (video)

Conducting scientific research is one of the priority areas of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. In times of war, the university's research activities are aimed at studying issues related to countering armed aggression, cyberattacks, etc.

Career guidance meetings for cadets continue in Vinnytsia region Career guidance meetings for cadets continue in Vinnytsia region

The 2nd year cadets of the ERI No. 3 visited a general secondary education institution in Vinnytsia region during their holiday leave. The applicant for education Roman Krychkivskyi met with students of grades 10-11 of  Vakhnivskyi Lyceum of Turbivskyi Village Council of Vinnytsia District of Vinnytsia Region, and cadet Maksym Shturhetskyi met with students of the Lyceum №2 of the village of Kryzhopil, Tulchyn District.

Talented sports youth were invited to study at KhNUIA Talented sports youth were invited to study at KhNUIA

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Special Physical Training of the ERI №2 Mykhailo Inshenkov together with Lecturer of the same department Oleksandr Shepelev visited Vinnytsia City Youth Basketball School to motivate them to enter Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Anti-corruption reforms and anti-corruption mainstreaming in action: joining forces to achieve results Anti-corruption reforms and anti-corruption mainstreaming in action: joining forces to achieve results

This was the topic of an online panel discussion on International Anti-Corruption Day, which was attended by representatives of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The event was organised by Pro-Integrity.

Podcast training ‘My rights in the digital environment’ for students of Sumy school №5 Podcast training ‘My rights in the digital environment’ for students of Sumy school №5

Within the framework of the All-Ukrainian action ‘16 Days Against Violence’, Yulia Samoilova, Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, discussed with high school students important topics of our time, including the right to privacy in the digital world, personal data protection and how to avoid online fraud.

Cadets completed the course ‘Influence and Exposure’ Cadets completed the course ‘Influence and Exposure’

Before the examination session, the management of the ERI No. 1 held an information and awareness-raising conversation with the graduate students on the prevention and combating of corruption in higher education institutions. Students were recommended to take an online course on how to report corruption and become whistleblowers.

Mykola Sorochyshyn, the Head of KhNUIA Cadet and Student Parliament, received the Certificate of Honour from KhRMA Mykola Sorochyshyn, the Head of KhNUIA Cadet and Student Parliament, received the Certificate of Honour from KhRMA

Mykola Sorochyshyn, the Head of KhNUIA Cadet and Student Parliament, took part in the Code UA forum, which brought together talented and proactive youth of Kharkiv region - representatives of youth centres, heads of youth councils, members of student self-government bodies and many active people.

The first information block of online training for consultants of the Legal Clinic of the ERI №5 was held The first information block of online training for consultants of the Legal Clinic of the ERI №5 was held

The training on topical issues of military law was dedicated to the All-Ukrainian Law Week. The topic of the event covered the judicial practice of solving current problems, in particular, the issue of establishing the paternity of a deceased serviceman.

Binary lesson in the discipline ‘Banking Law’ Binary lesson in the discipline ‘Banking Law’

Daria Korobtsova, Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security at the ERI No. 5, and Victoria Fursa, Associate Professor of the same department, together with Halyna Hrabelnikova, Legal Counsel at A.V.L. Union Company LLC, held a binary class for students on the topic of ‘Financial and Credit Interaction between Banks and Enterprises’.

Improving professional skills Improving professional skills

Volodymyr Ivantsov, Head of the Postgraduate (Adjunct) and Doctoral Studies Department of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Professor of the Department of Administrative Activity, Police Major, and Daniil Zinchenko, Adjunct of the Department, Senior Police Lieutenant, have successfully completed the Internal Displacement course.