The future entrants were told about studying at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, which trains specialists for the units of the National Police of Ukraine, by cadets of the ERI No. 4 Artur Tyshchuk, Denys Sytnik and Dmytro Hryskov. They met with students of the graduating classes of Sharhorod Lyceum No. 2, MI "Pisochyn Lyceum" and Horodetskyi Lyceum No. 2.
Representatives of the Department of Civil, Labor and Economic Law of the ERI No. 1 held a meeting with graduates of "Kharkiv Specialized School of II-III Degrees No. 3 of Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv Region". The Head of the Department, Oleksii Zaitsev, together with teachers, familiarized students with the possibilities of entering the university.
Cadet of the ERI No. 4, head of the scientific circle of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines Daria Salnichenko made a report on the topic "Information rights of citizens of Ukraine and the activities of the media under martial law" at the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Human Rights: Methodological, Epistemological and Ontological Aspects".
For 3rd year students of the ERI No. 5, a lesson on the discipline "Civil Law" was conducted by the state bailiff of Kharkiv Department of the State Enforcement Service in Kharkiv District of Kharkiv Region of the Eastern Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Kateryna Ismatova and associate professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure Yurii Chalyi.
The Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law and Human Rights, Tetiana Hudz, held a meeting with students of the municipal institution "Pisochyn Lyceum of Pisochyn Village Council" of Kharkiv district of Kharkiv region.
An online meeting was held with the 2nd year students of the second (master's) level of higher education, studying in the specialty "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Markets", by the Head of the internship, Olha Hetmanets, the Deputy Director of the ERI No. 5, Serhii Zahorodnii, and the members of the commission responsible for checking the internship reporting materials.
Representatives of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the ERI No. 5 Yulia Kyrychenko, Victoria Fursa and Darya Korobtsova, together with members of the scientific circle of the department, took part in the work of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "Law and Economy of Ukraine".
During the summer vacation, cadets Anastasia Hinkovska, Volodymyr Zubatiuk, Nikita Obshchanskyi, Oleksandr Sorochynskyi, and Nazar Sokolvak held a series of career orientation meetings with graduating students and teaching staff of secondary education institutions in Vinnytsia region.
Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement Activities of the ERI No. 5, Doctor of Law, Professor Olena Syniavska took part in the forum "Protection of Human Rights in the Sumy Region 2014–2024. Problems. Opportunities. Achievements", dedicated to International Human Rights Day.
The event brought together future entrants, their parents, educators and community representatives from all over Ukraine and became an important stage in choosing a future profession. Representatives of the police academy presented the history of KhNUIA, its structure, training facilities and features of the educational process.