To the attention of stakeholders - higher education students, graduates, employers!
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs constantly cares about the quality of providing theoretical knowledge and relevant practical skills to higher education students. The Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty No. 6 initiates the revision of the educational and professional program of the second (master's) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 26 "Civil Security", specialty 262 "Law Enforcement" (law enforcement).

Binary lesson on the topic "The subject and importance of legal logic"
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Attorney Serhii Semenov together with Oksana Melnychuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of the Faculty № 2, conducted a binary lesson on the subject of "Legal Logic" for the 101st group cadets of the Faculty № 4, specialty "Law" of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Participation of cadets in poetry recitation
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On the eve of the celebration of the 210th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birth, a poetry recitation was held for students of the faculties №№1, 4 with the participation of the poetess, member of the literary association "Lyra" of Kamianets-Podilskyi. Valentyna Kolomiets, a member of the literary association "Lira" of Kamianets-Podilskyi, held a poetic recitation of the Great Kobzar's poems.

Equal opportunities for everyone who wants to learn to drive
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At the Driving School for Persons with Disabilities of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Mykhailo Kuryk learned to drive a vehicle equipped for people with mobility impairments. It was in this car that he successfully passed a practical exam at one of the territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and received a driver's license.

Poetry readings of the Great Kobzar's works were held at the Faculty № 6
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On the eve of the 210th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birth, the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held literary readings of Kobzar's poetry, which were attended by the Vice-Rector of the University Serhii Bortnyk, Dean of the Faculty № 6 Oksana Brusakova, scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments, students, as well as lyceum students of Shevchenko district of Kharkiv.

University representatives visited veterans
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In the first days of spring, Serhii Katsalap, the head of the veteran organization of KhNUIA, visited women veterans who have worked at the university for many years and have been developing the higher education institution with their professionalism and hard work.

Military and patriotic education of youth is a priority area of activity of KhNUIA
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Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a number of military and patriotic events for graduates of schools, lyceums and colleges of Poltava territorial community. Employees and cadets of the University and Kremenchuk Flight College visited Poltava Secondary School No. 26 and the Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training named after the Hero of Ukraine, University graduate Vitalii Hrytsaienko.

Lyceum students of Kamianets-Podilskyi city were told about police profession
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Representatives of Faculties 1 and 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited the Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training in Khmelnytskyi region.

A binary lesson in the field of preventive activities
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A binary lesson on the discipline "Preventive work with people at risk (or persons on preventive registers)" for cadets of the faculty № 3 of group 102 was conducted by the staff of the sector for combating domestic violence of the department of interaction with communities, Yevhen Tatunko, Senior Inspector of the Department of Combating Domestic Violence of Vinnytsia Regional Police, Police Captain, Daniil Zinchenko, Senior Lieutenant of the Department of Combating Domestic Violence of Vinnytsia Regional Police, and Yulia Buhaiiko, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Police and Public Administration.

Volunteer help through blood donation
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Donated blood and its components are extremely necessary for military hospitals, surgical departments, burn centers, oncology departments and maternity hospitals. Students of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Hlib Kurdes and Mark Nikolenko together with the group's curator Liudmyla Parfentii donated blood at Sumy Regional Blood Service Center.