To lyceum graduates – about studying at KhNUIA To lyceum graduates – about studying at KhNUIA

Iryna Lutsenko, associate professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the ERI No. 1, spoke online with high school students and deputy director for academic work Hanna Shcherban of Mykola Marfiievych Support Lyceum of Vyzhnytsia City Council of Vyzhnytsia District of Chernivtsi Region.

Mykolaichyky for the Armed Forces of Ukraine Mykolaichyky for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

A first-year cadet of the Educational and Research Institute No. 1 of KhNUIA, Violeta Klevan, during her summer vacation, together with representatives of the Department of the Main Inspectorate and Human Rights of the Main Police Department in Luhansk region, joined the charity event "Mykolaichyky for the Armed Forces of Ukraine".

Binary lesson "Socio-psychological rehabilitation of children and adults who have suffered from domestic violence" Binary lesson

Professor of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy of the ERI No. 3 Natalia Miloradova, together with the psychologist of the Department of Psychological Support of the Main Police Department of Vinnytsia Region Oleksandra Ponomarenko, conducted a lesson for 4th-year psychology cadets as part of the study of the discipline "Fundamentals of Psychological Rehabilitation".

Roundtable "Protection of the Rights of Military Personnel within the Framework of International Humanitarian Law" Roundtable

The roundtable, held on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was attended by the director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Correspondence Studies of KhNUIA, candidate of legal sciences Ihor Nazarenko. His speech was devoted to issues related to the observance of international humanitarian law in relation to military personnel.

Preventive meetings with schoolchildren Preventive meetings with schoolchildren

Representatives of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure held an online meeting with students of "Kharkiv Mechanical and Technological Vocational College named after O. O. Morozov" and the Municipal Institution "Kharkiv Lyceum No. 138" of Kharkiv City Council as part of the "16 Days Against Violence" campaign.

Standards of higher education institution activity in the context of economic sustainability Standards of higher education institution activity in the context of economic sustainability

The third seminar in the series of educational and scientific seminars on sustainable development areas proclaimed by the UN General Assembly was held on this topic with the participation of representatives of the Scientific Society of students, cadets, trainees, postgraduates and associate professors, doctoral candidates and young scientists, as well as scientific (scientific and pedagogical) staff of KhNUIA.

Online career guidance meeting in Kharkiv Online career guidance meeting in Kharkiv

Representatives of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI No. 5 – Professor Olha Marchenko, Associate Professor Lilia Bondarenko, Senior Lecturer Larisa Solokhina told high school students of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 118 about the rules of entering KhNUIA, provided information about obtaining higher education at the Educational and Research Institute No. 5 in the specialty "Psychology".

Lyceum students were invited to study at KhNUIA Lyceum students were invited to study at KhNUIA

Associate Professor of the Department of Civil, Labor and Economic Law of the ERI No. 1 Uliana Oliinyk introduced 11th grade students of Khmelnytskyi Lyceum of Khmelnytskyi Regional Council to the features of the admission campaign and the rules for admission to KhNUIA in 2025, educational and scientific institutes and specialties in which specialists are trained.

Binary Workshop "Appearance as Evidence: From Forensic Methods to Operational Activities" Binary Workshop

Professor of the Department of Forensic Science and Forensic Expertise Ihor Zozulia, together with the investigator of Department No. 1 (Trostianets) of Okhtyrskyi District Police Department of the Main Police Department of Sumy Region Anna Kudria, conducted an interactive binary lesson on the topic "Forensic Investigation of Human Appearance" for cadets of the ERI No. 4.

Visit a wounded soldier - honor a hero! Visit a wounded soldier - honor a hero!

Second-year students of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Yevheniia Varvarych and Karina Berozkina visited the military personnel undergoing treatment and, on behalf of the cadets and students of the branch, congratulated them on their professional holiday - the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.