The graduation of master's students took place at KhNUIA
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The graduates were congratulated and presented with diplomas of graduation by the First Vice-Rector of the University Viktor Vasylenko, Vice-Rector Mykhailo Burdin, Dean of the Faculty No. 1 Vitalii Romaniuk, Dean of the Faculty No. 3 Hennadii Zvirianskyi and Dean of the Faculty No. 4 Mykola Marchuk.

FC "Univer-Dynamo" of KhNUIA is preparing for football matches of Vinnytsia region
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Recently, the football team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs "Univer-Dynamo" won a 5-1 victory over Vinnytsia team "Nyva U-19".

The role and importance of the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague
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Iryna Lutsenko, Head of the Scientific Club of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6, together with Mykola Pakhnin, Professor of the same department, Doctor of Law, Professor, held a scientific and theoretical seminar.

Graduation of students of primary police training courses took place
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22 police officers received certificates of successful completion of training at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Applying the knowledge gained in practice, the graduates will continue to serve in their units of the Main Directorates of the National Police in Kharkiv, Poltava, Kyiv, Cherkasy, Luhansk and Dnipro regions.

Thank you, warrior!
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Within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Visit a wounded soldier - support a hero", the management, students of the Faculty № 6, representatives of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 3 visited wounded servicemen who are undergoing treatment.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Private International Law"
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A binary lesson on "Electronic Court in Private International Law" was held for the master's students of the Faculty No. 6, majoring in Finance, Banking and Insurance, and students of the Department for the Organization of Training of Foreign Citizens, majoring in Law.

Stories of courage
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On the tenth anniversary of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the second anniversary of the large-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, we honor the memory of the fallen defenders of Ukraine's freedom and independence, and express our gratitude to the soldiers who continue to defend our land from the Russian aggressor today.

A binary lesson with the participation of a practical police officer
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Petro Chepurko, Head of the Prevention Sector of Novoukrainskyi District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Kirovohrad Region, together with Iryna Kazanchuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 1, conducted a binary class on the discipline "Proceedings on Citizens' Appeals in the Activities of Preventive Activities Units" for the first-year students of the Faculty No. 3.

Certification of applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education took place
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held the certification of the second (master's) level applicants of the Faculty No. 3, who are studying in the specialty 262 "Law Enforcement", which included the analysis of theoretical knowledge and the passage of a police quest.

Using artificial intelligence for effective foreign language learning
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Olena Stativka, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA, associate professors of the same department Oleh Honcharuk, Valentyna Kochyna, Valentyna Pochuieva, senior lecturers Artem Bilousov and Larysa Sazanova took part in the online webinar "From research to practice: using GenAI with Cambridge materials" from Cambridge University Press and Assessment.