Head of the Department of Postgraduate (Adjunct) and Doctoral Studies, Professor of the Department of Administrative Activities, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Volodymyr Ivantsov completed the Council of Europe HELP Programme course on the topic "The Right to Liberty and Personal Integrity."
On the initiative of the International Cooperation Department, English speaking clubs are being held for the sixth week in a row. Meetings are held online in two groups for participants of the initial and intermediate levels (A2 - B1), as well as for a more advanced level (B2).
Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Studies, Candidate of Philological Sciences Natalia Kobylko took part in the V All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pavlo Zagrebelny, which took place at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.
During the training, held within the framework of the All-Ukrainian campaign "16 Days Against Violence", the group's curator, professor of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy, Viktoriia Dotsenko, together with cadets of the ERI No. 3, analyzed the concepts of sex and gender, gender-based violence, and identified its causes and types.
During an online meeting, the group's curator, associate professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Anna Naumova, together with students of the ERI No. 5, watched the video "16 Days Against Violence." They discussed the types of responsibility for actions related to domestic violence and bullying.
The introduction to the Driving School for People with Disabilities of KhNUIA was conducted by its director, Oleksandr Marunchak. He told the young people how future drivers master theoretical and practical courses, and introduced them to the classrooms where students practice their primary driving skills on computer simulators, maximally adapted for people with disabilities.
Not only people but also animals get into trouble: they fall into ventilation shafts, fall into wells, get stuck on treetops, get lost in the labyrinth of attics and basements. The third-year cadets of the ERI No. 1 of KhNUIA, Denys Soloviov and Mykyta Panin, did not remain indifferent to the rescue of two birds that got caught in a thread on a tree and could not get rid of it on their own. The guys did not get lost and, using their ingenuity and physical training, freed the birds.
First-year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA Ilia Tepliakov, Diana Kurako and Anastasia Tovt once again visited the local animal shelter. This time, the students helped the workers feed and walk the dogs, cleaned the enclosures, and played with the little puppies, who always lack attention and warmth.
The lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI No. 5 of KhNUIA, Nadiia Chepelieva, told high school students about the conditions for admission to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the prospects and advantages of obtaining higher education at the Educational and Research Institute No. 5 with a degree in Psychology.
During the annual All-Ukrainian campaign "16 Days Against Violence", cadets of the ERI No. 1, who study in the specialty "Law", joined the events aimed at drawing public attention to the problems of overcoming domestic violence, child abuse, combating human trafficking, and protecting women's rights.