Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law and Human Rights of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Yevheniia Lohvynenko told the graduates of the lyceum about the specialties that can be chosen at the university, the advantages of studying at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
KhNUIA students constantly participate in various trainings, webinars, and scientific conferences covering formal and informal education. Following the results of online participation in international scientific and practical conferences, cadets of the Educational and Research Institute No. 4 received a number of certificates.
As part of the "16 Days Against Violence" campaign, students of Sumy branch were met by Artem Bukhtiarov, senior operational officer for operational search and partnership in the field of information technology of the Department for Counteracting Cybercrime in Sumy region, and Hanna Mititiel, leading specialist of the educational and social and humanitarian work group.
Representatives of the Scientific Society of students, cadets, trainees, postgraduates and associate professors, doctoral candidates and young scientists, as well as scientific (scientific and pedagogical) workers of KhNUIA took part in the second seminar on the topic "Standards of higher education institution activity in the context of social sustainability".
The Chairman of the Cadet and Student Parliament of KhNUIA Mykola Sorochyshyn joined the meeting with representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, as well as the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.
We invite students of the graduating classes of technical schools, colleges, schools, lyceums and general secondary education institutions to test their level of knowledge of the English language and the basics of human rights protection by taking part in the English-language competition "Children's Rights and Your School".
Representatives of Kharkiv University of Internal Affairs met with applicants for higher education of the second (master's) level of the ERI No. 1, specialising in Law, who are undergoing an internship at Kamianets-Podilskyi District Department of the MDNP in Khmelnytskyi Oblast.
The university continues to hold weekly events aimed at socialising and rehabilitating the military. The senior lecturer of the Department of Special Physical Training of the ERI №2 Ihor Ostrovskyi held a regular lesson with the combatant Serhii Vasyliev. This time, the coach focused on rehabilitation swimming.
This was the topic of an online meeting of the scientific club of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the ERI No. 5, which was attended by club members and professors of the department Yulia Kyrychenko and Daria Korobtsova.
With the assistance of Tetiana Pylaieva, Head of the Education Department of Slobidskyi District Administration of Kharkiv City Council, the staff of the Preparatory Department of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs met with senior pupils of general secondary education institutions of Slobidskyi District of Kharkiv.