Students of the Faculty No. 6 joined the "Stay in touch" campaign
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The participants of the campaign made "valentines" for our defenders, which were sent to the soldiers in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia directions. The campaign was organized by the Youth Council under the Mayor of Kamianets-Podilskyi and the Charitable Foundation "Center for Assistance to Kamianets-Podilskyi ATO Participants".

Training on nonviolent communication
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For the first-year cadets of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a training on "Nonviolent Communication" was organized and conducted with the participation of the NGO "League of Modern Women".

Participation of KhNUIA representatives in the international webinar on traumatization issues
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Specialists of the Department of International Cooperation of KhNUIA Nadiia Serhiienko, Alona Muzychuk, Inna Savina and Svitlana Vechirko attended another international online webinar in a series of events held by the International Center for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Inherited Generational Trauma in cooperation with the Sunflowers Project.

Meeting with the curator dedicated to the Day of Unity and the State Emblem of Ukraine
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Kateryna Skrynnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty № 6, met with students of the curatorial group. The meeting was dedicated to the Day of Unity, which is celebrated annually on February 16. The lecturer emphasized that the idea of this holiday is to show the whole world the unity of the Ukrainian people.

Participation in a lecture by a foreign expert
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Tetiana Ponomarenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, took part in a lecture "International Patent System: Patenting Process and Requirements" by Oleksandr Akhiieser, a partner at Foley Hoag LLP (Boston, Massachusetts, USA), who is included in The Best Lawyers in America, Doctor of Law.

Vice-rector Serhii Bortnyk paid a working visit to the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4
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Vice-rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Serhii Bortnyk held a meeting with the staff and representatives of the management of the faculties, during which they discussed urgent issues of further development of the structural units located in Khmelnytskyi region.

Webinar "How to effectively use the services of the EU financing and tenders portal" will be held
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To the attention of representatives of the scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of KhNUIA! NGO "Agency of European Innovations" organizes a webinar "How to effectively use the services of the EU funding and tenders portal", which will be held online on February 22, 2024 from 15.00 to 16.30 in the format of a ZOOM conference.

Defense of practice materials with the use of quest elements
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Educational practice is a mandatory component of the educational and professional training program for specialists with a bachelor's degree. During its completion, cadets not only consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained in the process of studying general and special legal disciplines, but also acquire skills and abilities in law enforcement practice.

Enrollment to the Academy4UA European Law Training Program is open
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To the attention of applicants for higher education, representatives of the scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of KhNUIA! Enrollment in the European Law study program - Academy4UA - has been opened, which will be of particular interest to Ukrainian students, master's students, graduate students, lecturers and researchers who want to learn more about European Union law and policy.

Binary lesson with an employee of Odesa customs
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The Head of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty № 6, Professor Yurii Zhornokui and Senior Lecturer of the same Department Sofia Popova, as part of the teaching of the discipline "Civil Law", invited the Deputy Head of the Department of Proceedings on Violation of Customs Rules of the Department for Combating Smuggling and Violations of Customs Rules of the Odesa Customs, Customs Counselor of the III rank Dmytro Keptenet to conduct a binary lesson.