Online professional development
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The Council of Europe HELP course on "Children's Rights - Key Challenges" was attended by the Dean of the Faculty № 3 Hennadii Zvirianskyi, his Deputy for Educational and Methodological Work Hryhorii Dzhahupov, Head of the Department of Police and Public Administration Olena Dzhafarova, Head of the Research Laboratory on Pre-trial Investigation Serhii Shatrava and Master's student of the Faculty № 3 Daniil Zinchenko.

Discussion of investigative actions during a binary class
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For students of the Faculty No. 6, a binary lesson in the discipline "Pre-trial investigation and trial of criminal cases" on the topic "Investigative (search) actions and covert investigative (search) actions. Requirements for conducting them".

Administrative supervision by police officers - the topic of a binary class
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Serhii Lukianenko, a lecturer at the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, together with Serhii Zarutskyi, Senior Inspector of the Preventive Activities Department of Sumy District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Sumy Region, Police Captain, conducted a binary class on the subject "Preventive Work with Accountable Persons".

Representative of KhNUIA participates in the meeting of the Horizon Europe Program Committee "Civilian Security for Society"
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The Horizon Europe Program Committee "Civilian Security for Society" is one of the committees operating within the framework of the European Union's Horizon Europe program (Brussels, Belgium). The committee is responsible for developing and implementing research and innovation in the field of civilian security to protect society from various threats.

Meeting of cadets with a representative of the Department of the Main Inspection and Human Rights of the NPU
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Senior Inspector on Special Assignments of the Division of Commissioners for Monitoring Human Rights in Police Activities (stationed in Sumy region) of the Human Rights Compliance Office of the Department of the Main Inspection and Human Rights Compliance of the National Police of Ukraine, Police Major Yevhen Yevtieiev met with 3rd year cadets of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA.

To the attention of future applicants!
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On February 07, 2024, at 14.00, an online meeting with representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will be held for future applicants, as well as all interested persons, on the peculiarities of admission and study at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in 2024.

Participation in the conference for English lecturers
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The academic staff of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA - Head of the Department Olena Stativka, Associate Professors Oleh Honcharuk and Valentyna Pochuieva, Senior Lecturers Artem Bilousov and Larysa Sazanova - attended the IV online conference for English language lecturers "Teaching Experts IV".

Branch graduates share their experience with future colleagues
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The activities of the legal clinic "Pravova Dopomoha" of Sumy branch of KhNUIA are focused on combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills of student consultants. For this purpose, a practicing lawyer, a graduate of the branch Maryna Shapoval was invited.

Production of camouflage nets for our defenders
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Weaving camouflage nets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an integral part of the volunteer movement of students of the Faculty № 6. Recently, the first-year students joined the weaving of nets made by members of the Women's Hundred of Kamianets-Podilskyi organization.

Blood donation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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Master's students of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs have once again become blood donors. Everyone who has the opportunity should help the military. Every day, military hospitals and clinics receive wounded soldiers, and they need donor blood.