Online career guidance meeting with high school students of Kharkiv region Online career guidance meeting with high school students of Kharkiv region

The Head of the research laboratory on problems of information technologies and combating crime in cyberspace of the ERI No. 4, Dmytro Pashniev, held another online career guidance meeting with graduating students of schools in Kharkiv region and their parents, which was attended by more than 100 locations.

Environmental Security in Wartime Environmental Security in Wartime

The 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference was held on this topic, at which Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Tetiana Shevchuk and 4th year cadet of the ERI No. 1 Yulia Tytarenko presented the abstracts of the report on the topic: "Military aggression of the Russian Federation as a threat to the ecological security of Ukraine."

Tactical and special training was conducted for cadets of the ERI No. 2 Tactical and special training was conducted for cadets of the ERI No. 2

The lesson on the topic "Organization and conduct of police (special) operations by bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine" was conducted by employees of the tactical and special training department of the ERI No. 2 together with servicemen of the operational brigade No. 14 "Chervona Kalyna" and combat training instructors of the KORD of the MDNP in Vinnytsia region.

Speech by the Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Speech by the Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Dear lecturers and cadets! I congratulate you on the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. This is a place where they not only teach, but also educate, form a new generation of professionals who will stand in defense of law and order and ensure stability in the country. And even despite the full-scale war and the impossibility of studying and teaching in their hometown, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has absorbed the best features and character of Kharkiv – courage, indomitability and fearlessness.

Address by Rector Valerii SOKURENKO on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as a university Address by Rector Valerii SOKURENKO on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as a university

Dear university employees, veterans, graduates, and students! I congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as a university! Today, this significant event is celebrated in the context of large-scale Russian aggression. The war has been going on for over 1,000 days!

The International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Current Problems of Legal, Economic and Social Development of the State’ dedicated to the 30th anniversary of KhNUIA in the status of a university was held The International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Current Problems of Legal, Economic and Social Development of the State’ dedicated to the 30th anniversary of KhNUIA in the status of a university was held

The event became a platform for discussing topical issues and finding ways to develop Ukraine under martial law and post-war reconstruction, defining the role and place of the state in the transformation of legal, economic, social and cultural systems, and reforming national legislation.

We believe in Victory and bring it closer (video) We believe in Victory and bring it closer (video)

Today, November 22, 2024, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs celebrated 30 years of its activity as a university. A film was made to mark the anniversary, which can be viewed on the YouTube channel.

Oleksandr Usyk congratulated the university staff on anniversary Oleksandr Usyk congratulated the university staff on anniversary

Oleksandr Oleksandrovych is a graduate of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. He is the 2012 Olympic boxing champion, the absolute world heavyweight champion among professionals according to the WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO and the absolute world super heavyweight champion (WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO), Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine, National Legend of Ukraine.

The official website of the university has posted a "Board of Honor" The official website of the university has posted a

To the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the status of a university, the official website of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has posted a "Board of Honor". These are the best cadets, students, master's students and university employees who have high achievements and successes in their studies, in their work, and in the training of highly qualified personnel.

Employees and students of KhNUIA were awarded with awards Employees and students of KhNUIA were awarded with awards

For significant successes in training highly qualified personnel, conscientious and impeccable service to the people of Ukraine and on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of KhNUIA as a university, employees and students of the university were awarded. The awards were presented by the Rector, police general of the third rank, Valerii Sokurenko.