Training in the program "Social emotional and ethical learning"
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Daria Hlushkova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6, has completed the Social Emotional and Ethical Learning (SEEL) program. In practice, this is a tool for developing soft skills, a set of exercises that can be integrated into a lesson or conducted as a separate lesson.

Binary classes on forensic DNA analysis
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Vasyl Korniienko, Head of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Science and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty No. 1, together with Olena Matarykina, Head of the Molecular Genetic Research Sector of the Biological Research and Accounting Department of Kharkiv Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, conducted binary classes on the discipline "Forensic means and methods of investigating certain criminal offenses".

Video lecture for students dedicated to the Day of Heroes of Kruty
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Kruty is one of the tragic and at the same time legendary pages in the history of the Ukrainian liberation struggle of 1917-1921. The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a thematic video lecture for applicants for higher education of the Faculties №№ 1-4.

Educational hour dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Kruty Heroes
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For the purpose of national-patriotic and military-patriotic education of youth, an educational hour was held for first-year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, who are studying in the specialties "Law" and "Law Enforcement" on the topic "Kruty: the feat of young Heroes forever in our hearts".

Patriotic event "Nemerknuchi Kruty"
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Within the framework of the curatorial hour, Andrii Siadrystyi, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, together with Hanna Mititiel, a leading specialist of the Human Resources Department, held a patriotic event "Nemerknuchi Kruty" for the 1st year cadets.

Verification of cadets' internships and training on the job continues
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Employees of the educational and methodological department of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited the units of Kharkiv regional police, where 2nd, 3rd and 4th year cadets of Faculties №№ 1-4 undergo training practice and internships under the guidance of mentors - police officers of Kharkiv region.

KhNUIA is implementing a new international project "Sustainability and Capacity of Internationalization for the Modernization of Higher Education for Debutants from the Eastern Partnership Countries" (SIN-NEC) of the Erasmus+ program
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Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - Vice-Rector, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Police Colonel Oleksandr Muzychuk and Assistant to the Rector, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Oksana Tsukan took part in the first meeting of the consortium of the international project "Sustainability and Internationalization Capacity for the Modernization of Higher Education for Debutants from the Eastern Partnership Countries", which took place in Teramo (Italy).

Career guidance work with high school students of Chernihiv region
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Specialist Hryhorii Lysiak, Faculty № 3, and Deputy Dean of the Faculty № 2 Bohdan Ivaniuk, together with Assistant to the Rector Viktor Slysh, with the participation of Nataliia Pohrebniak, a leading specialist in the personnel support sector of Pryluky District Police Department of Chernihiv Oblast Police, held an online career guidance meeting with graduates of general secondary education institutions in Pryluky, Chernihiv Oblast.

Scientific and creative competition "Financial Alphabet"
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On the initiative of the Dean of the Faculty № 6 of KhNUIA Oksana Brusakova and the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security, a scientific and creative competition on financial security and financial investigations "Financial Alphabet" is announced.

University representatives improve their professional level
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Olena Dzhafarova, Head of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Law, Professor, Lieutenant Colonel of Police, and Daniil Zinchenko, a Master's student of Faculty No. 3, took online courses of the Council of Europe under the HELP program on Family Law and Human Rights.