As part of the "Safer with Google" initiative, representatives of the Department of Cybersecurity and DATA Technologies - Head of the Department Yurii Hnusov, Associate Professor Inna Khavina, Senior Lecturer Mykhailo Tsuranov, as well as higher education students majoring in "Cybersecurity and Information Protection" - took a course on the basics of cybersecurity for business.
Representatives of the department held an online meeting with high school students of the Municipal Institution "Kharkiv Lyceum No. 3 of Kharkiv City Council". The head of the department, Mykola Pakhnin, and senior lecturer, Yulia Mytrofanova, told the lyceum students about the conditions for admission to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
Lecturer of the Department of Criminology and Forensic Expertise of the Educational and Research Institute No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police Major Yevhenii Zozulia, together with Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Oksana Liaska, conducted a binary lesson on the topic "Forensic Documentary Science".
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Studies Natalia Yelnikova, together with the investigator of the Special Investigation Unit of the Police Department No. 1 (Trostyanets) of Okhtyrskyi Regional Police Department of the MDNP of Sumy Region Anna Kudria, held a binary lesson on the topic "Ukrainian Terminology in Professional Communication of a Law Enforcement Officer" for first-year cadets of the ERI No. 1.
First-year students of the ERI No. 5 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs attended the online workshop "The Art of Living with Freedom", which was held at the initiative of the Institute of Leadership, Management and Coaching.
Curator, professor of the Department of Civil, Labor and Economic Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Svyatoslav Slipchenko discussed with the cadets of the ERI No. 1 the historical stages of the creation and development of the university, its achievements and importance in training highly qualified personnel for the units of the National Police of Ukraine.
The next optional class of the School of Scientific Leadership was held by the head of the School, a researcher at the research laboratory of social and psychological support, assistance and rehabilitation of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the ERI No. 3, Vitalii Naida, as well as a 3rd-year cadet of the ERI No. 3, Ruslan Salohub, and a 2nd-year cadet of the ERI No. 2, Miliena Tsvietkova.
A 2nd-year master's student at the ERI No. 1, Vitalii Atamanyuk, met with graduates of Khodovetska Secondary School of the 1st-3rd grades of Kamianets-Podilskyi district during his internship. He spoke about the specialties in which specialists are trained at the university, about this year's conditions for admission to the Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, and a step-by-step algorithm for applicants.
Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology Kateryna Mannapova took part in the training "Features of Psychological Support for Persons Who Survived Captivity and Torture." The goal of the training was to train and improve the skills of specialists who work with this category of people.
Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs – Dariia Ryzhenko, Miliiena Tsvetkova, Anna Djus and Natalia Kolesnyk took part in the Autumn School of AMU (Republic of Poland, Poznań) “Introduction to Negotiations and Process Management” under the scientific guidance of the Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Mykola Pakhnin and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminology and Forensic Examination Kateryna Penzieva.