Curatorial work with university cadets
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The teaching staff of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty № 3 - Anastasiia Baibak, Alona Bakhaieva and Natalia Hridina - worked with groups of cadets of Faculty № 3, where they are curators.

Address of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the occasion of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine
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Hard times have made us strong. And the strong bring victorious times closer. Step by step. Today, tomorrow, every day, every minute. No one has or will be able to "turn off" our resilience, endurance, strength, and courage, either planned or accidentally. They do not have an expiration date, a deadline, or an end point after which we would stop resisting and fighting, except for one - our victory.

Ihor Klymenko: Today is the day of heroes who have become a reliable shield of the nation
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"Today we celebrate the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. The day of heroes who have become a reliable shield of the nation. Ukrainians are once again bravely repelling enemy attacks. Step by step, they are liberating every inch of Ukrainian territory. It is a titanic effort and a very high price to pay. Despite everything, we are standing and there is no doubt that we will win!"

Rector Valerii Sokurenko congratulated the staff of KhNUIA on the Day of Defenders of Ukraine
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Addressing the cadets, students, master's and adjunct students, and university staff, he said: "This holiday unites true patriots who value freedom, honor, integrity and independence of our country above all else. We glorify the sons and daughters of Ukraine who bravely defend their homeland under the blue and yellow flag. They do incredible things every day to make our country win! Be strong and unbreakable, and bring the Victory closer with your dedicated service and excellent studies.

Happy Day of Defenders of Ukraine!
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The Department of Education, Science and Sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs express their sincere gratitude and respect to the defenders of Ukraine who are defending our country from the aggression of the Russian Federation and to all those who help the Armed Forces of Ukraine, work for victory, for the defense of Ukraine.

The main start of the country united the brave and unbreakable
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Employees and cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs joined Kyiv Invictus Marathon by Run Ukraine. The running event brought together supporters of an active lifestyle, strong and indomitable people.

On the eve of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, KhNUIA cadets took the Oath of Police Officer
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Events on the occasion of the swearing in of freshmen police officers took place at all locations of the university. The future specialists of the National Police units swore to serve the Ukrainian people faithfully, protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, and the territorial integrity of the state.

We honor the memory of the defenders of Ukraine
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On October 1, when Ukraine will celebrate the Day of Defenders of Ukraine for the first time on a new date, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has initiated a minute of silence at 9:00 a.m. to honor the memory of all fallen Heroes.

A lecture-meeting was held for students
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As part of the military and patriotic education of young people and on the eve of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, for students of the Faculty No. 6 an online meeting was held with the head of the Southeastern Branch of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Candidate of Historical Sciences Mariia Takhtaulova and a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, former deputy commander of one of the brigades of Slobozhanshchyna Artem Revchuk.

Career guidance meeting with judo and sambo athletes
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Police Major Bohdan Lukin, a lecturer at the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, met with judo and sambo athletes at the Children's and Youth Sports School № 2 as part of career guidance.