Career guidance work continues
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Representatives of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, with the assistance of Liudmyla Fedorova, Senior Inspector of the 1st Sector of the Department for Combating Cybercrime in Kharkiv Region, held a regular online meeting on "Admission to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs".

Development of communication skills in English classes
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Olena Stativka, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and lecturers of the same department Valentyna Pochuieva, Larysa Sazanova, Oleh Honcharuk and Artem Bilousov took part in the international webinar "Using Full Blast 6 Tests and Grammar in and out of the classroom", conducted by a speaker from the Linguist Publishing House.

Participation in the training from the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)
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The regional training "Train-the-Trainers course - Level 2 (advanced)", organized by the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) within the framework of the TOPCOP project "Training and Operational Partnership against Organized Crime", took place in Budapest (Hungary). 

Peace. Security. Education.
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Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty No. 1 Yuliia Zahumenna took part in the round table with international participation "Peace. Security. Education", dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Day of the Ukrainian UN Peacekeeper.

The main components of a teacher's digital literacy
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Olena Stativka, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA, and lecturers of the same department Valentyna Pochuieva, Larysa Sazanova, Oleh Honcharuk and Artem Bilousov took part in the international online webinar "Digital Literacy for Teenagers: Safety and Wellbeing Online", conducted by the speaker of the Linguist publishing house with the support of Cambridge University Press.

To the attention of applicants! Additional registration period for participation in the UPEE/UEE
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We would like to inform you that from July 12 to July 14, 2023, an additional registration period will be held for persons wishing to take the Unified Professional Entrance Exam and Unified Entrance Exam in order to be eligible to participate in the admission process for the first master's degree.

The anthem of the joint assault brigade of the National Police of Ukraine "Liut"
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The Armed Forces of Ukraine have proven that today they are the best armed forces in the world. We are defending our land. For us, motivation is of great importance. Every soldier must be well-equipped, well-trained, and effective in his or her position.

Meeting of cadet youth with a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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For the purpose of military and patriotic and national and patriotic education of cadet youth, a meeting of the variable and permanent staff of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the call sign "Sanych" was held.

A meeting on national and patriotic education was held
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Vice-Rector of the University Anatolii Klochko held a working meeting with the heads of the university's structural subdivisions. During the online meeting, issues related to the actualization and implementation of new forms and methods of national and patriotic education of young people, the formation and sustainable development of their self-identity and patriotism were discussed.

Cadets joined the flash mob "Angels of Memory"
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Higher education students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the flash mob "Angels of Memory" organized by the Youth Policy Department of Vinnytsia City Council. The event took place on the eve of the anniversary of the tragic event: the death of 29 Vinnytsia residents, including children, as a result of a missile attack on the Officers' House in the city center.