Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity
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Zakhar Demydov, Senior Researcher at the Research Laboratory for Information Technology and Counteraction to Cybercrime of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar "Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity: Boon or Bane?".

Active youth is a driver of community development
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The academic staff of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continues to study the processes of European integration in Ukraine by participating in educational projects.
Svitlana Vyhaniailo, Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines, took part in the training project "Active Youth - the Driver of Community Development".

Celebratory events on the occasion of the Day of the National Police of Ukraine were held at KhNUIA (VIDEO)
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Celebrations on the occasion of the Day of the National Police of Ukraine were held at all locations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The Rector of the University, Police General of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko congratulated the cadets and employees of the University.

Building Integrity and Implementing Good Governance Reforms
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The Commissioner for Anti-Corruption Activities of KhNUIA Yana Mazur took part in a training event on building institutional capacity for building integrity (course on the integrity action plan - AST.935.1, BIT - BIT.36711), conducted by the Center for Integrity in the Defense Sector (CIDS) of the Norwegian Ministry of Defense

Participation in a training course on psychotherapy
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Yana Ponomarenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 of  Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in a three-day course on Somatic Trauma Therapy. The course was developed and conducted by Babette Rothschild, M.S.W., a world-known body psychotherapist and educator.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Day of the National Police of Ukraine. Thank you for the safety of our people! Thank you for saving Ukrainians! Thank you for your heroism in battle!
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I congratulate all our police officers and wish them first of all gratitude - the gratitude of our entire nation to our police. The more effective each and every police officer is, the more grateful our people will be.
Glory to Ukraine!

Today we honor not only professionalism but also humanity which the police show in difficult moments, - Ihor Klymenko addressed the police on the occasion of their professional holiday
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"We are not celebrating today. It is not the time for a ceremonial uniform. Today, you are wearing the same thing you wear every day to work, the same thing people see you in. The uniform that inspires confidence and support. You are fighting fiercely to defend the country. And after the Victory, you will have a lot of work ahead of you - together we will build Ukraine's global security system," Ihor Klymenko emphasized.

Ivan Vyhivskyi: I congratulate all police officers on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine - on this day we do not celebrate but we honour the best who serve conscientiously and selflessly every day
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During the full-scale war, our functions have expanded, and we have gained new experience that changes us. Experience that would be better not to have, but it is necessary for every war criminal to be held accountable for their actions.
I thank all police officers who remain faithful to the words of the Oath given to the Ukrainian people. Who share the values of service and protection. Who are a reliable support for law and order in the country.

Rector Valerii Sokurenko: "I am convinced that I am facing determined, brave, courageous people who are ready to fulfill their professional and patriotic duty to the end"
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted celebrations on the occasion of the Day of the National Police of Ukraine with the participation of the university's management, staff and cadets. Rector Valerii Sokurenko congratulated the personnel.

Celebrations dedicated to the Day of the National Police took place in Khmelnytskyi region
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A solemn event on the occasion of the Day of the National Police of Ukraine was held in the Heroes of Euromaidan Park in Kamianets-Podilskyi, attended by representatives of local self-government and local authorities of Kamianets-Podilskyi, management, staff and cadets of faculties No. 1 and No. 4.