University cadets are winners and prize-winners of the Sambo Championship of the Dynamo Football Society of Ukraine
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According to the program of complex competitions "Dynamiada-2023" among the national teams of higher education institutions belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard of Ukraine and other central executive authorities, the Sambo Championship of the Dynamo Football Society of Ukraine was held in Lviv.

Curators of training groups held a meeting with cadets
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The academic staff of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-trial Investigation of Faculty No. 1, Hennadii Hlobenko, Alina Piddubna, Oleksii Salmanov, Iryna Nechaieva and Kateryna Horbunova, met with the curators of the study groups of Faculty No. 1.

University cadet Artem Oliinyk became a prize-winner of the Ukrainian Combat Sambo Championship
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The Ukrainian Combat Sambo Championship among adults, juniors, boys and children was held in Kyiv, in which Artem Oliinyk, a 1st year cadet of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part. According to the results of the meetings, two of which ended in victory, Artem took the third place.

They did not want fame, they were defending their land. Cadets watched the feature film "Dovbush"
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The cadets of one of the study groups of the Faculty No. 1, under the guidance of their curator, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty No. 1 Viktor Lazariev, visited the cinema and watched the feature film Dovbush. This is not a story about a classic hero of steel or a demigod, not at all. Oleksa Dovbush did not want to be an opryshok, he was forced to by circumstances.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Professional and psychological training of a police officer"
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Olha Medvedieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty № 3 of KhNUIA, together with Kateryna Rodina, Head of the Juvenile Prevention Sector of the Prevention Department of Kamianets-Podilskyi District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Khmelnytskyi Region, started a series of binary classes for 2nd year cadets of the Faculty № 1 of KhNUIA on the topic "Professional Communication of a Police Officer".

Binary lesson on police activity
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Natalia Hridina, a lecturer at the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty No. 3, conducted a binary lesson on "Organization of Police Activity during Martial Law: Problems and Challenges" within the discipline "Police Activity".

Cadets joined the World Cleanup Day campaign
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Every year, on the third Saturday of September, the World Cleanup Day campaign is held, with more than 190 countries participating. This year the event is held under the slogan "Let the sky be peaceful and Ukraine clean!". The 4th year cadets of the Faculty No. 1 together with the pupils of the pre-school educational institution No. 17 "Svitliachok" of Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council joined this campaign.

Classes in Sumy Court of Appeal
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Lecturers of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Oleksii Shumilo and Valerii Matus conducted an on-site class on the subjects "Judicial and Law Enforcement Bodies of Ukraine" and "Criminal Procedure". Students attended criminal and civil court hearings.

Leisure time of students
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Students of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with a leading specialist Anna Mititiel visited Sumy Regional Philharmonic, where they watched a concert dedicated to the Day of the City of Sumy.

On the occasion of the Civil Society Week - acquaintance of students with the MRIYA project
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A meeting with Police Major Artem Bukhtiarov, Senior Inspector on Special Assignments of the Cybercrime Unit in Sumy Region of the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine, was organized for students of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.