Participation of KhNUIA lecturers and students of in the international academic mobility program
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Students of the 1st-2nd years of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, majoring in Cybersecurity, and lecturers of the Department of Cybersecurity and DATA Technologies participated in the DAAD international academic exchange program "Digital Ukraine: Ensuring Academic Success in Crisis (2022) ".

Career orientation events with the participation of university cadets
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2nd year cadets of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs during their training in different cities of Ukraine held career orientation meetings with leaders and students of the graduating classes, told them about the university and their future profession as a police officer.

We honor Christmas traditions
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Christmas has been celebrated throughout Ukraine since ancient times with Christmas carols. This tradition is also supported by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Every year, celebrating together, we are united by love for our native land and our history, respect and honor for Ukrainian traditions, customs and cultural heritage of our people.

Donation is also a weapon
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Donating in time of war is one of the most important ways to save the lives of our wounded warriors. From the first days of the Russian aggression, Ukrainians formed queues for blood service centers. The staff and cadets of the university and its structural subdivisions —  Sumy branch, Kremenchuk Flight College — have been and remain active participants in the donor movement for many years.

I choose Ukrainian!
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Oleh Honcharuk, associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA, took part in the online school "I choose Ukrainian. 10 steps to victory!" within the competition "Active! Unbreakable!" the project "Good neighbors - one family" conducted by the public organization "Innovative Horizons of Ukraine".

Happy Christmas and New Year from Iryna Borzova, a member of the Supervisory Board of KhNUIA, People's Deputy of Ukraine
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Dear staff, cadets, students, master's and adjunct students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let this time give us the fulfillment of the most cherished desire that we all have in common - the peace and victory for Ukraine. I sincerely thank you for the partnership, fruitful cooperation and high results. Let 2023 be a year of new achievements, so that every day opens new perspectives for each of us and for our country.

Greetings from the director of the Department of Science and Education of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleksii Lytvynov, to the university team with a Happy New Year
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The New Year is just around the corner - a bright holiday that Ukrainians are used to celebrating in the circle of relatives and friends. We will celebrate the coming year in a different way, without salutes and loud laughter, some are on the front line, defending Nenka from the invaders, some are abroad, some are not in their own homes. The main Christmas tree of the city reminds us of the war, but it still remains festive.

KhNUIA lecturers train soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in counter-emergency driving
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For the military personnel of the 47th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a training course was held on counter-emergency driving under martial law. Classes were held by certified trainers, senior lecturers of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs.

Artistic front
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In "Kremenchuk News" program there was a story about the creativity of cadets and students - members of the amateur vocal group "Kryla" of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. 

The legal clinic of KhNUIA continues to provide legal assistance to citizens
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For many years in a row, the Legal Clinic has been working at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, where students of higher education gain practical experience under the guidance of doctors of science, associate professors of the Police College. The clinic continues to work even in difficult conditions of martial law.