Participation in the international webinar on restorative justice
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Representatives of the Department of International Cooperation of KhNUIA - Tetiana Matiushkova, Nadiia Serhiienko, Alona Muzychuk, Natalia Sadova, Inna Savina and Svitlana Vechirko - attended the 4th international webinar in English from the series of events held by the International Center for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Inherited Trauma of Generations in cooperation with the Sunflowers Project on the topic "Reparative Justice IV: Problems of involvement, interviewing and support of child victims/witnesses of war and terror".

For a clean environment
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Employees and cadets of the Faculties № 2 and № 3 of KhNUIA took part in the campaigns "Vinnytsia Student Youth for a Clean Environment" and "Environment Day" on the territory of Vinnytsia City Territorial Community. The spring campaign does not leave the cadets indifferent, as they always join in cleaning public areas.

Lecture and training session with high school students in Sumy
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Volodymyr Dementov, Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, conducted a lecture and training session with 11th grade students of the school № 18 on the topic "Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic Violence, Prevention of Human Trafficking, Assistance to Victims".

Curatorial hour was held at all locations of KhNUIA
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Employees of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work held talks on the prevention of the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors for students of Faculties №№ 1-4. They explained to young people the devastating consequences of drug addiction on human health, the main signs of drug addiction and modern principles of effective treatment.

Meeting of the scientific group on the study of documents in the investigation of crimes
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A regular meeting of the scientific group devoted to the topic of technical and forensic examination of documents in the investigation of crimes was held under the chairmanship of Svitlana Lozova, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Forensics of the Faculty No. 6, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Help through blood donation
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs once again held events related to blood donation. This time, students of the primary professional training courses of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the University took part in the formation of the blood bank. 56 students donated blood and its components to save military personnel and civilians.

Binary lesson on constitutional law
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Police Captain Vadym Kulyk, Senior Inspector on Special Assignments of the Division of Commissioners for Human Rights in Police Activities of the Human Rights Compliance Office of the Department of the Main Inspection and Human Rights Compliance of the National Police of Ukraine, and Oleksandr Radchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held a binary seminar.

Countering disinformation - rebuffing Russian aggression in the information space
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The academic staff of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty No. 1 - Head of the Department Yurii Orlov, Associate Professor Ivan Krytsak, Senior Lecturer Kostiantyn Shevelev and Lecturer Olena Horash - completed a series of short-term training courses aimed at developing soft skills in the field of countering fakes and disinformation.

Career guidance meeting with future applicants
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A regular online meeting with students from all regions of Ukraine on the peculiarities of entering Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in 2024 by state order and at the expense of individuals and legal entities was held by representatives of the Recruitment and Career Guidance Department, Faculties 1-4 and Kremenchuk Flight College.

Rector Valerii Sokurenko: "Your duty is to serve the state and people faithfully"
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Police General of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko paid a working visit to the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4. During the meeting with representatives of the management, the state of organization of the educational process was analyzed. The Rector noted that, despite the difficult wartime, cadets should receive quality education, acquire professional skills and practical experience.