The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has launched an "Educational Marathon" dedicated to the fight against violence

As part of the "16 Days Against Violence" global action, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine prepared the concept of the online event "Educational Marathon", which includes a series of thematic lectures for cadets and students of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Meeting of the scientific group dedicated to the annual World Action "16 Days Against Violence"

The head of the research group - associate professor of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty No. 3, Kateryna Chyshko, held another meeting dedicated to the annual World Action "16 Days Against Violence". At the beginning of the group meeting, she outlined the current specifics of the problem of domestic violence.

Report at the interuniversity theoretical seminar

Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty No. 6, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Volodymyr Shapoval, as a specially invited speaker, took part in a theoretical seminar organized by the Department of Philosophy of the National University "Odessa Law Academy", held online, where he gave a keynote speech "The Humanistic Potential of Philosophical heritage of H.S. Skovoroda". The theoretical seminar "Life and Philosophical Work of H.S. Skovoroda" was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great Ukrainian.

Modern trends in the development of criminology and the criminal process under martial law

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held an international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Modern trends in the development of criminology and the criminal process under martial law". The topic of the conference aroused great interest in scientific circles and among practitioners.

Meeting of the scientific group of the Department of Foreign Languages

Nataliia Horbach, a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4, held a meeting of the scientific group on the topic "The English sentence. Peculiarities of the structure of imperative sentences". Cadets examined examples of imperative declarative, interrogative sentences and negative sentences with modal verbs in modern English.

Current trends of criminalistics and criminal procedure development under martial law

The International Scientific and Practical Conference  «Current trends of criminalistics and criminal procedure development under martial law» will be held remotely (online) at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on November 25, 2022.

Meeting of the scientific group dedicated to the global action "16 days against violence"

At the Department of Civil Law and Process of the Faculty No. 6, a meeting of the scientific group was held, dedicated to the World Action "16 Days Against Violence" in Ukraine, which is held from November 25 to December 10. During the event, the professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 6, Oleksandr Kukhariev, and associate professors of the same department, Olha Avramova, Tetiana Kyrychenko, and Ella Vakulovych, gave speeches.

The issue of the life of higher education institutions under martial law was discussed during the meeting of the Council of Rectors of Kharkiv region

A regular meeting of the Council of Rectors of Kharkiv region was held, in which the Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Sokurenko took part. The issues of the results of the 2022 admissions campaign, the creation of a separate division of the Public Organization "Union of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine", etc.

The next meeting of the rectorate was held on the day of the foundation of KhNUIA

A meeting of the rectorate of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was held by the Rector of the university Valerii Sokurenko at the main base of the university in Kharkiv. All structural divisions located in Sumy, Kremenchuk, Khmelnytskyi and Vinnytsia took part in the work of the rectorate online.

Students and youth are for the future of the country

Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of the Faculty No. 2 of KhNUIA, candidate of economic sciences, Maryna Petchenko and cadet Alina Bilichenko, conducted an approbation of the results of research work at the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists "Students and Youth - for the Future of the Country".