Practical training in court Practical training in court

The Deputy Head of Kamianets-Podilskyi City District Court of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Yurii MANTULIAK, together with Inna STROK, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-Trial Investigation of the ERI No. 1, held a training session in the courtroom on the subject of "Criminal Procedure" on the topic "Trial".

Career orientation meeting with graduates of Ivan Bohun Kyiv Military Lyceum Career orientation meeting with graduates of Ivan Bohun Kyiv Military Lyceum

Senior lecturer of the Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Studies Natalia YELNIKOVA told future applicants about the peculiarities of admission to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, areas of training for higher education applicants in educational and scientific institutes of the university, etc.

Webinar “Election Observation: Types, Functions, Changes and Future Prospects” Webinar “Election Observation: Types, Functions, Changes and Future Prospects”

On March 12, 2025 at 12:30, the webinar “Election Observation: Types, Functions, Changes and Future Prospects” will be held, hosted by the Institut de Recerca TransJus Universidad de Barcelona. This is the second event in a series of webinars aimed at facilitating the academic and learning experience for students and researchers based in Ukraine.

Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference

Senior lecturer of the Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Studies Natalia YELNIKOVA took part in the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Ukrainian Language and Culture in Modern Humanitarian Time and Space: Aspects of Interlingual Communication and Formation of Communicative Competence of a Modern Specialist", which was held at the State Tax University (Irpin).

Career guidance conversation with lyceum students of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 61 Career guidance conversation with lyceum students of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 61

Senior lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI No. 5 Yulia SARBIEI held a video conference meeting with lyceum students of grades 10-11 of the municipal institution "Kharkiv Lyceum No. 61 of Kharkiv City Council". She told the lyceum students about Kharkiv National Institute of Education, the conditions of study, educational and scientific institutes and specialties in which students and cadets are trained.

Binary lesson on accounting Binary lesson on accounting

The Head of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines, Professor Iryna SIEVIDOVA and Associate Professor of the same department Viktoriia VELIYEVA, together with the chief specialist of the SE "INFOTECH" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Maria HUROVA, held a binary lesson on the discipline "Accounting in Budgetary Institutions" for 3rd year cadets studying in the specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation".

Participation in a lecture by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Participation in a lecture by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

Representatives of the Department of Constitutional and International Law and Human Rights of KhNUIA - Head of the Department Tetiana HUDZ, Professor of the Department Andrii VOITSIKHOVSKYI and Associate Professor of the Department Oleksandr RADCHENKO - took part in another online lecture organized by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Binary lesson for first-year students of the ERI No. 2 Binary lesson for first-year students of the ERI No. 2

Roman OSTASHCHUK, the Investigator of the Investigation Sector of the Police Department No. 1 of Haisyn District Police Department in Vinnytsia Region, together with Olena DZHAFAROVA, Head of the Department of Administrative Activities of the ERI No. 3, and Nataliia HRIDINA, Associate Professor of the same department, conducted a class on the discipline “Interaction of Preventive Activities Units with Police Bodies (Subdivisions)”.

Improving professional skills Improving professional skills

Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the ERI No. 3, Professor Iryna KAZANCHUK successfully completed the online course "Honest Police", developed by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption together with the National Police of Ukraine and the Patrol Police Academy.

Online meeting with future applicants Online meeting with future applicants

Daniil SHMATKOV, a Leading researcher at the Research laboratory on information technology and countering crime in cyberspace of the ERI No. 4, held an online career guidance event for high school students of secondary education institutions in Kharkiv region.