Professor of Ukrainian History Volodymyr HRECHENKO: The National Anthem of Ukraine is the anthem of an invincible state Professor of Ukrainian History Volodymyr HRECHENKO: The National Anthem of Ukraine is the anthem of an invincible state

On March 10, we celebrate the Day of the National Anthem of Ukraine, which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on December 7, 2021. In 1865, in the Polish city of Przemysl, it was on March 10 that the work of composer Mykhailo Verbytskyi to the words of the poet Pavlo Chubynskyi "Ukraine is not dead yet" was first performed.

Graduating cadets honored for scientific achievements in fire training Graduating cadets honored for scientific achievements in fire training

Director of the ERI No. 1 Vitalii ROMANIUK and Associate Professor of the Fire Training Department of the ERI No. 2 Maksym VLADYMYROV solemnly presented certificates to 4th year cadets of the ERI No. 1 – Viktoria PIDHAINA, Daria HORPYNENKO, Valeria HORPENKO, Anzhela PROTSENKO and Sofia KYIASHCHENKO – for high achievements within the framework of the work of the scientific circle of the Fire Training Department.

A charity event was held A charity event was held

Leading researcher of the Research laboratory of socio-psychological support and rehabilitation of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the ERI No. 3, Yevhenia HLADKOVA, as a volunteer of the "Palms of Peace" Charitable Foundation, held an educational and entertaining exhibition.

Higher education students visited a judicial institution as part of the educational process Higher education students visited a judicial institution as part of the educational process

Higher education students of the ERI No. 4, together with Inna STROK, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-Trial Investigation of the ERI No. 1, visited Kamianets-Podilskyi City District Court of Khmelnytskyi region as part of their study of the discipline "Criminal Procedure".

How to keep students’ attention during a lesson How to keep students’ attention during a lesson

Senior lecturer of the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA Larysa SAZANOVA took part in the international online webinar “Do you ‘hook’ your learners” from the Polyglot training center. The teacher received a number of useful tips that can be used to keep attention during foreign language classes.

Honoring the memory of the Great Kobzar Honoring the memory of the Great Kobzar

During the curatorial hour, students studying in the specialty "Law Enforcement Activities", together with the curator, senior lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the ERI No. 5 Yulia MYTROFANOVA, honored the memory of the world genius, poet, artist, and public figure Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko.

KhNUIA hosted a review-competition "Shevchenko Readings-2025" KhNUIA hosted a review-competition

Every great nation has its iconic figures. Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko is such a figure for us, Ukrainians. The Great Kobzar is a symbol of Ukrainians, a prophet and a genius, and at the same time a person among people.

Practicing throwing techniques and defensive actions on the ground Practicing throwing techniques and defensive actions on the ground

On this topic, a practical lesson was held for cadets of the ERI No. 3 by Andrii ZABORA, professor of the Department of Special Physical Training of the ERI No. 2, and Taras ROMASHENKO, inspector of the Response Sector of the Patrol Police of Chortkiv DPD of the Main Police Department in Ternopil region.

Participation in a scientific conference Participation in a scientific conference

Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Studies, Candidate of Philological Sciences Natalia KOBYLKO and student of the ERI No. 5 Olha DOMITRYSHYNA took part in the All-Ukrainian scientific online conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Ukrainian Literature in the Space of Culture and Civilization".

Field trip binary class Field trip binary class

Director of the ERI of Psychology and Mental Health of National Pirohov Memorial Medical University, Vinnitsa, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr BELOV, together with Professor of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy of the ERI No. 3 Victoria DOTSENKO, conducted binary classes for cadets.