Dear students, colleagues!
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Specialists of the university psychological service remind you of the importance of taking care of your mental health and your own psycho-emotional state. If, after experiencing stress, you have symptoms such as inability to concentrate, irritability, aggressiveness, crying, extreme fatigue, feelings of guilt or sadness, difficulty sleeping, eating disorders, and constant anxiety for two weeks, we recommend that you consult a psychologist.

My Ukraine is hurting
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These are the lines of one of the poems by Alina Sukharieva, a specialist at the Educational and Research Institute #2. With her collection of poetry, she added to the collection of the university's general library. The collection includes poetry on war, love, as well as philosophical and landscape poetry.

Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Science of the ERI №1
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Olena Makarova, Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, emphasized the importance of the role of the scientific club in the training of future specialists. She noted that scientific research provides an opportunity for higher education students to study the theoretical aspects of forensic science and gain practical skills.

University representatives joined the blood donation
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The need for blood stocks has increased in healthcare institutions. Now all its groups are urgently needed for those who came under Russian shelling, as well as for the soldiers of the Security and Defense Forces who are being treated in medical institutions. The students and staff of the Educational and Research Institute №3 have once again replenished the blood bank.

University general library received new acquisitions
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Doctor of Law, Professor Serhii Shatrava donated copies of the monograph “Administrative and Legal Principles of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drug Control: Theoretical, Legal and Praxeological Aspects” to the library collection.

Vitalii Khashchovyi, a graduate of the Driving School for Persons with Disabilities of KhNUIA, received a driver's license
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Vitalii Khashchovyi took a practical driving course at the Driving School of KhNUIA on a specialized vehicle. Since childhood, he has had problems with his musculoskeletal system. When Vitalii turned 18, he set a goal to learn to drive a car, but he and his parents could not find a suitable driving school.

Foreign language classes for the community
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They were conducted by Miliena Tsvietkova, a 2nd year cadet of the Educational and Research Institute #2, who is a member of the School of Scientific Leadership of KhNUIA. The event, organized by the International Committee of the Student Council of Vinnytsia Region, was attended by students of higher education institutions, volunteers and representatives of active youth of the region.

Improvement of Soft Skills is an Integral Element of Quality Assurance of Educational Activities at KhNUIA
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At the initiative of Ivan Krytsak, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the ERI №1, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, the academic staff of the department successfully completed the course “Preparation and Implementation of Community Development Projects” from the Association of Ukrainian Cities through the Prometheus platform of mass open online courses.

To the attention of the academic staff and applicants for higher education of KhNUIA!
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We invite you to take part in the online course “Application of Technology in Warfare” on the Prometheus learning platform. The course teaches you how to maximize the use of equipment and modern civilian technologies to bring our Victory closer.

Congratulations of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the beginning of the new academic year
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Dear educators, cadets, students, listeners, lyceum students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine! The Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and I personally congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year!