Participation in the conference on the latest methods of teaching English
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Olena Stativka, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, associate professors of the same department Oleh Honcharuk, Valentyna Kochyna, Valentyna Pochuieva, senior lecturers Artem Bilousov and Larysa Sazanova took part in the three-day international online conference "ELTOC" organized by the University of Oxford.

How do I apply to higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that train police officers? We tell you
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In this video, applicants will be able to find answers to the following questions: After what grade should I enter? Is it necessary to write a motivation letter? What are the differences between students and cadets? Do I have to live in a barracks? Can I study two majors at once? What standards do I need to pass and how do I prepare for them?

Tactical and premedical training classes continue
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Lecturers of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 3 continue to conduct field exercises in engineering training and tactical medicine for cadets of the Faculties № 1 and № 4. The cadets learned the procedure and rules for providing assistance under fire.

NCPs of the "Horizon Europe" Program in the field of "Civilian Security for Society" was created on the basis of KhNUIA
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The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 838 of 13.06.2024 "On Approval of the List of National Contact Points" formed a list of national contact points (NCPs) of the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation "Horizon Europe" and the European Atomic Energy Community Research and Training Program (2021-2025), complementary to the Horizon Europe program.

Participation in the forum "Protection of human rights under martial law at the border"
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Olena Syniavska, Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of KhNUIA, Doctor of Law, Professor, took part in the forum, the purpose of which was to familiarize with the annual report of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.

Topical issues of financial services provision became the topic of the School of Scientific Leadership
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Within the framework of the university's partnership with the Central-Western Department of Free Legal Aid (FLA) of the Northern Interregional Center for Free Legal Aid, a regular optional lesson of the School of Scientific Leadership of KhNUIA on the topic "Rights of Consumers of Financial Services" was held.

Cooperation of the University with the public organization "Ratusha"
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For the active participation of the first-year cadets of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA in the organization of the charity race "Fast Doe", which was held in support of the soldier Valerii Odainyk, representatives of the public organization "Ratusha" of Kamianets-Podilskyi presented them with medals and certificates.

Firearms training classes
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Lecturers of the Department of Firearms Training of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs teach cadets to acquire primary skills in firing automatic weapons in standing, sitting and lying positions. The shooting course exercises are conducted at equipped training ranges in all weather conditions.

The staff of Sumy branch of KhNUIA was awarded with gratitude on the occasion of the World Blood Donor Day
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The World Blood Donor Day is celebrated all over the world on June 14, which was officially declared in 2005 at the annual 58th World Health Assembly. This Day provides a special opportunity to pay tribute to voluntary blood donors and to thank them for their blood.

Cadets of the Faculty No. 4 made and handed over camouflage nets to the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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The First Separate Zhytomyr Brigade named after Bohun, which is heroically defending Ukraine's borders in the east, received camouflage nets for military equipment from students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.