Advanced training on academic integrity Advanced training on academic integrity

Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA Yuliia SAMOILOVA took part in the training held within the framework of the Academic Integrity Forum. The event was organized by Vinnytsia Technical Phase College, NGO "Progresylni" with the assistance of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.

Participation in the VIII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Cadet (Student) Conference in Foreign Languages Participation in the VIII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Cadet (Student) Conference in Foreign Languages

A 1st year cadet of the ERI No. 2, Valeriia DZIAD, delivered a report entitled “Current Issues in Law Enforcement Training under Martial Law”. In her report, she noted that the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies largely depends on the proper training of their personnel.

Students got acquainted with the work of Kharkiv Regional Economic Court Students got acquainted with the work of Kharkiv Regional Economic Court

Based on the Memorandum of Joint Activities, higher education students of the ERI No. 5, studying in the specialty 081 Law, together with the associate professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the ERI No. 5 Artem DOBROVINSKYI visited Kharkiv Regional Economic Court.

Practice as an important element of training for higher education applicants Practice as an important element of training for higher education applicants

The materials of the internship of cadets of the graduating groups of the ERI No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who study in the following specialties: 125 "Cybersecurity"; 081 "Law"; 262 "Law enforcement activities", were defended.

Cadets of the ERI No. 4 attended the infowebinar of the European Forum Alpbach-2025 Scholarship Program Cadets of the ERI No. 4 attended the infowebinar of the European Forum Alpbach-2025 Scholarship Program

The infowebinar was organized by Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach (KIGA) for those who wish to apply for a grant to study in Austria. During the event, the cadets learned more about the forum itself, the organization of KIGA, its history and activities.

Kharkiv region police officer Denys KOTLIAR was killed while performing a combat mission Kharkiv region police officer Denys KOTLIAR was killed while performing a combat mission

On March 3, Inspector of Platoon No. 2, Company No. 3, Battalion, Special Purpose Police Regiment, Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv Region, Denys KOTLIAR, was performing a combat mission to transport personnel to Donetsk region. At that time, the Russians fired from an FPV drone. As a result of the enemy attack, the senior police lieutenant received non-life-threatening injuries.

Career guidance event for the youth of Cherkasy region Career guidance event for the youth of Cherkasy region

In the conditions of a modern information society, choosing a future profession is one of the most important stages in the life of every young citizen. It is with the aim of providing up-to-date information about the prospects of education and career growth in the field of law enforcement that an online career guidance event was organized for high school students of educational institutions of Cherkasy region.

KhNUIA held a staff conference KhNUIA held a staff conference

The delegates heard a report from the Rector, Police General of the third rank, Valerii SOKURENKO. He summarized the results of the higher education institution's activities in 2024 by main areas.

Online meeting with graduates of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 28 Online meeting with graduates of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 28

On the initiative of Daria KOROBTSOVA, professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the ERI No. 5, representatives of the department, together with the leadership of the institute, held a career guidance meeting with graduating students of the lyceum.

KhNUIA student is a silver medalist in the regional competitions in the WCFF Cossack duel KhNUIA student is a silver medalist in the regional competitions in the WCFF Cossack duel

Daryna OMELCHENKO, a 2nd year student of the ERI No. 5, won second place in the Kharkiv Regional Championship in the WCFF Cossack duel in the “Bornia-2” section. In terms of technical training, she was not inferior to the athletes of a higher weight category who reached the final.