Representatives of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the ERI №5 Olha HETMANETS, Daria KOROBTSOVA, Iryna KYRIEIEVA and Anna SUSHKOVA took part in the training “Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming”.
For higher education applicants of the Educational and Research Institutes #2 and #3, study tours are organized by Andrii PROKHOROV, a leading specialist in the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work and National and Patriotic Education.
Applicants for education at the first (bachelor's) level under the educational program 071 “Accounting and Taxation” are trained in the departments and departments of financial support and accounting of the National Police. The Head of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines Iryna SIEVIDOVA checked the internship of the cadets of the ERI №2.
Natalia BUTSKHRYKIDZE, 2nd year master's student of the ERI No. 1, presented the educational opportunities of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs to high school students, told them about the peculiarities of studying in the legal field and cadet life at the university.
Natalia HORBACH, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA, held a meeting of the scientific circle on the topic “Lexical and grammatical features of writing a report by American police officers”. The participants discussed writing a written report on various types of crimes, detention of suspects, violations of public safety, etc.
On the eve of the International Day of Book Giving, the library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs receives book gifts. The First Vice-Rector Viktor VASYLENKO and Vice-Rector Oleksandr MUZYCHUK replenished the library fund with 40 copies of new literature.
Mykhailo INSHEKOV, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Special Physical Training of the ER №2, held an online meeting with the final year students of Volodymyrivka Lyceum “Success” of Shyrokivske Village Council and Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium #87.
A binary lecture for students of the ERI №5 was conducted by Oleksandra HUBINA, a graduate of KhNUIA, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Advisor to the President of the National Olympic Committee on Legal Affairs, lawyer, attorney, Deputy Minister of Culture in 2011-2013.
This is the topic of the course that Viktoriia DAVYDENKO, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the ERI №5, Associate Professor, Candidate of Law, completed, aimed at developing the competencies necessary to effectively prevent and combat bullying in the educational environment.
As part of the discipline “Psychological Rehabilitation”, a binary lesson was held with the participation of a lecturer-psychologist, polygraph examiner and volunteer of the line for servicemen and their families #VARTOZHYTY Ligia BAUER and Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI №5 Kateryna MANNAPOVA.