University employees serve in the police of Donetsk and Kherson regions
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First Vice-Rector Viktor Vasylenko, Dean of the Faculty 2 Vasyl Kikinchuk, Professor of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Science and Pre-medical Training of the Faculty 1 Vlada Husieva, Lecturer of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty 4 Vadym Maltsev, Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Support of the Institute of Postgraduate Education Oleh Zakovorotnyi and Associate Professor of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty 3 Vladyslav Kolisnichenko are working in the units of the National Police in Donetsk and Kherson regions.

Meeting of the scientific circle
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The Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a regular online meeting of the students' scientific club. The students listened to and discussed the reports of third-year students Yulia Baidiuk, Valeria Velihura, Olena Demchenko and others, whose works were recommended for publication in the form of abstracts at scientific and practical conferences.

University Legal Clinic continues to provide legal aid to local communities
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A regular consultation meeting was held with local councils and residents of territorial communities of Vinnytsia region on the topic "Procedure for establishing a foster family and payment for foster care services" within the framework of cooperation between Vinnytsia branch of KhNUIA Legal Clinic, Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Governments and the Regional Centre for Free Secondary Legal Aid in Vinnytsia region.

To the attention of applicants for higher education and scientific and pedagogical staff of KhNUIA!
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On 27 June 2024, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the IV Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Modern Police Science". Representatives of higher education institutions, scientists, practitioners of law enforcement agencies, postgraduate, doctoral, adjunct and master's students are invited to participate in the conference.

Discussion of the educational and professional programme with stakeholders
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Mykola Holub, a member of the working group of the educational and professional programme of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education "Law Enforcement" (Law Enforcement), met with a representative of stakeholders - Serhii Birbasov, Head of the Preventive Activities Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Kharkiv Region.

Binary lesson in the discipline "History of State and Law"
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Representatives of the Main Department of the National Police in Vinnytsia Oblast - Senior District Police Officer of Police Station No. 1 of the District Police Department, Police Captain Yevhenii Bidniachuk, Community Police Officer of the Prevention Sector of Tulchyn District Police Department, Police Captain Oleksandr Kryvko, together with Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty No. 1 Stanislav Ivanov, conducted a binary class for first-year students of the Faculty No. 3.

A regular meeting of the organising committee of the Competition of scientific works was held
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The agenda included the approval of the rating list of research papers of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of higher education institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the organisation of the final scientific and practical conference of the competition.

Cultural leisure of students
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The students of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited the opening of the exhibition of the master of folk embroidery Svitlana Makarenko "Encoded Dreams", where they had the opportunity to personally communicate with her and get acquainted with her work. The works of Svitlana Makarenko fascinate with their beauty and impress with the complexity of the techniques used.

Activity of the Driving School of KhNUIA were discussed with the leadership of Chemerovetska settlement territorial community
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Within the framework of the initiative of First Lady Olena Zelenska "Without Barriers", implemented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Oleksandr Marunchak, Head of the Driving School for Persons with Disabilities of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held a working meeting with Oleksandr Soban, Head of Chemerovetska community.

Improving knowledge of tactical medicine
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The participants of the scientific and practical group of the TSP "SHIELD" improved their skills in tactical medicine during a practical training session. They practised evacuating the wounded under fire, how to filter them, how to provide assistance using the MARCH algorithm to a wounded person in the yellow zone and move them to the green zone, and how to use an individual first aid kit.