An optional lesson of the School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on “Free Legal Aid in Ukraine” was held by Artem HOLUBOV, Associate Professor of the Department of Law of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of the National Aerospace University “KhAI”.
Olena STATIVKA, Head of the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA, and Valentyna POCHUIEVA, Associate Professor of the same department, attended the International Online Webinar “Beyond the Basics: Integrating Critical Thinking and the Four Skills for Exam Excellence”, organized and conducted by Linguist.
The cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in Vinnytsia region sambo wrestling championship among men and demonstrated their skills and high level of training. They won gold, silver and bronze in their weight categories.
A webinar for teachers was held on this topic, the speaker of which was Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Studies, Candidate of Philological Sciences Nataliia KOBYLKO. The event was held at the Training and Methodological Center for Vocational Education in Sumy region.
Vasyl LUCHYK, Professor of the Department of Cybercrime Counteraction of the ERI №4 of KhNUIA, held an online meeting with 11th grade students of Bubnivka Lyceum of Lokachi Village Council of Volodymyr-Volynskyi District, Volyn Region. Particular attention was paid to the issues of admission to the university, the conditions of study for cadets and students.
This was the topic of the training course organized by Sumy State University within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair project “Strengthening EU Leadership and Capacity in Science and Innovation” with the support of the EU, which was successfully completed by Professor Yuliia ZAHUMENNA of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law.
In the third round, the cadets of the ERI №1 competed according to the Olympic system until two victories in each meeting. In a tense struggle, the strongest were determined to represent the institute in the Open Rector's Cup of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in airsoft.
A class was held for patrol police officers who are upgrading their skills at the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Distance Learning of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the participation of Viktor SEZONOV, Deputy Head of the Department of Forensic Vehicle Research and Registry Management of Kharkiv Scientific and Research Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
Svitlana SAMCHUK, a student of the Master's program at the ERI №1, met with the graduating students and told them about studying at Kharkiv Police University, focusing on the opportunities that open up for students and the advantages of the police profession.
For three months, the 2nd year master's students of the ERI #3 worked as psychologists in police units. They prepared lectures for police officers, conducted trainings with them, psychological diagnostics and compiled psychological characteristics. They defended their internship materials using a police quest.